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I used the USB to install SL, i have a working install, perfect, Audio, LAN, and Graphics.


Now i want to use the actual drive to boot from (Internal HDD).


So i used the same method as i used to make the USB bootable, using chameleon files.


I boot from the drive, i was surprised it worked, but when i get to the desktop, in around 10 seconds i get a Kernal Panic, and i cant make out whats causing it, even in safe mode.


However booting from the USB works perfect.


I have copied the kexts from the Extra folder to the Extra folder on my SL partition, this stopped the APCI_SMC_Platform Plugin error.


But now KP at dekstop, unless i use the USB to boot.


What am i missing?


I thought i fixed it wtih CPUs=1 but it didnt work, i still get a KP on desktop

Try boot with -x and then install the BSD.pkg from your Leopard image. Reboot with -x and repair permissions. If that

doesn't work, also try the bootflags -legacy, platform=ACPI, -f or try modbins kernel.

ive been messing with boot flags

-v No Ethernet, Sound works

-v -f KP at desktop

-v -f -x32 Ethernet works, Sound wont, BUT after a while Finder crashes, i think after i put USB in, then System Prefs wont open, Chess wont open, most apps wont open, the light comes under them in the dock but hang. I have to restart Finder to stop the crash.


Also have orange drive icons.


I have absolutely 0 problems using the USB to boot from, i cannot understand why this is happening. I boot USB with -v -f flags and its perfect.


Can i run the BSD.pkg in normal mode? And you mean from SL image?


Ill repair permissions with Disk Utility now.

I installed BSD.pkg from the DVD image, then repaired permissions


same problem


Thing is with -v or no commands Audio works, Ethernet is detected and shows status Connected, but will not load any web pages.


I have manually set the IP address, DNS, Router addresses to make sure its right, but still nothing loads.


Its not the router, as i can boot from the USB and access the Audio and Ethernet with -f -v commands, whereas from the HDD i get a KP as desktop.


What is modbins kernal? Seems like its for AMD pc, i have Intel Q6600.

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