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Hi all,


I was wondering if someone can help me and point me in the right direction.


I want to install OS X 10.6 the latest version I think it's 10.6.8 if I'm not mistaken, on my netbook.


It's an Acer Aspire One ZG5 I can't remember the A version to what it is referred to as. Anyway the specifications are as follows:


1.6Ghz Intel Atom processor x1

1.5GB maximum ram to what it is upgraded to.

120GB HDD.


I was wondering what version I need such as Kalyway etc?


I do not want to where to acquire it from but just the release name or file name.


Next thing is I have come across the tutorials for this but it hasn't been made clear what release to use.


Second thing is I already have a dual boot with Windows 7 pro and Ubuntu Linux 9.04 already installed and booting up properly with grub loader. So I don't want these to be compromised or made dysfunctional in the process.


So in essence I want to also learn how to triple boot with the existing dual boot and this extra 3rd boot of Snow Leopard.


Can someone please assist me of how to get around this predicament I am in.


I appreciate any suggestions that are made.


Thank you ;)

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Thanks for your reply. First thing I have an external DVD Writer so it's all kool. I don't want to put it on a USB stick. What do you mean there any distros with SL? I don't know what that means, and what do you mean why would I want to use a distro? What else do you use then :S You download a hackintosh ISO by one of the programmers and creators like Kalyway or Zepyroth or however you write his name. What do you mean Vanilla ftw.


I am not a complete noob but I'm not an expert in the installation of hackintosh either.


Thanks for your reply. First thing I have an external DVD Writer so it's all kool. I don't want to put it on a USB stick. What do you mean there any distros with SL? I don't know what that means, and what do you mean why would I want to use a distro? What else do you use then :S You download a hackintosh ISO by one of the programmers and creators like Kalyway or Zepyroth or however you write his name. What do you mean Vanilla ftw.


I am not a complete noob but I'm not an expert in the installation of hackintosh either.


oh hahah ok sorry


the reason the USB method is better, is becuase what you are doing is ripping a copy of the SL[snowleopoard] disc to your flashdrive and then adding the kexts [drivers] to it. so basically its as closed as to a untouched install as you can get.

now to the second point


a distro normally is edited in all kinds of ways where they add kexts for support for a BUNCH of computers. when you use the flash drive method what you are doing is making work for your computer and only your computer. so if theres an error, you know its not somthing else causing it.


vaniillia allows you to get updates direct from Apple website.vanillia is basically a retail installation


becuase the goal is getting as close as to a real mac as possible, right?



ok so you kind of have is jumbled up


10.6 is the new OS by apple and its code name is snowlepoard, it came out like two weeks ago and support for this os on a pc is very low becuase everyone is still figuiring out how to install it

current version 10.6.1



and 10.5 is leopoard

the current version is 10.5.8


there is VERY high support for your netbook on lepoard and honestly there isnt anything HUGE in snowleo that you dont get in leo.





tutorial for leo


oh and ftw means for the win

its a internet meme


like a apple fanboy would say

iPhone FTW!

instead of saying like

nokia n95 ftw!


i hope all of that made sense

Hahah your great, made me laugh at the end!


And I understand exactly what you mean now! I'm going to have a look at the link you posted on the updates!



haha no problem :D


im just glad i can give back to the Insanely mac community :P

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