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Gigabyte EP45 UD3P BIOS F9 Guide - Snow Leopard


This guide assumes you have Leopard 10.5.6 running on one partition and requires only 1 sata hard drive. IDE DVD will work too. Any simplifications or better ideas are welcome. Follow all steps.


1. Disable AHCI in Bios as it isnt necessary. Install Leopard 10.5.6. I used iPC 10.5.6. Format your HD into 2 partitions, GUID. Call your 1st partition Leopard, your 2nd SNOW. Install Leopard on 1st partition. I used a 40gb sata hd with 2 partitions of 20 gb each.


2. Find a copy of SL10432 and download it. Find X58_Mobo_Patch_Installer_BETA_muzzle.nl.zip and download it here




Thanks digital_dreamer!


3. Download these kexts.




4. Mount the snowleopard_10a432_userdvd.dmg in Leopard 10.5.6. Let it verify to make sure there are no issues with the dmg. Navigate to /System/Installation/Packages/ on the dmg. Double click OSInstall.mpkg and install to your empty Snow partition. Make sure you Customize your installation and deselect everything except for Essential System Software. Install.Once Install completes do not restart! You can Close the installer however.


5. Eject/Unmount the Mac OS X Install DVD.


6.Run the X58 Patch by double clicking on RUN-PATCH_INSTALLER.




A. Leopard Partition. This may not be necessary...Dont know!


Select your Leopard partition.


Select 2: Install bootloader


Select 3 (PC-EFI 10 Based on Chameleon v2. Snow Leopard compatible)


Select 7 Patch DSDT and press y


Select 3 MAke LEopard partition active


Select 19: Exit the app or quit terminal



B. SNOW Partition. I am sure this IS necessary.


Relaunch the X58 Patch.


You will be asked: "You have a previously saved volume selection. IS this correct?" Select NO and then select your SNOW partition.


Select 2: Install bootloader


Select 3 (PC-EFI 10 Based on Chameleon v2. Snow Leopard compatible)


Select 7 Patch DSDT and press y


Select 5 and press y to instal kexts


Exit the X58 Patcher and quit Terminal.




7. Kexts


Install IOATAFamily.kext you downloaded to your Snow extensions folder. Just drag and drop and overwrite. This is the IOATAFamily from 10.5.8 with LegacyAppleIntelPIIXATA.kext in its plugins folder. Backup the original if you want.


Install LegacyJMicronATA.kext to your Snow extensions folder. This is for IDE DVD.


DELETE AppleTyMCEDriver.kext from your Snow extensions folder as this causes a kernel panic. Don't know why.


8. Repair the extensions permissions for Snow. Open Terminal.


sudo -s

chmod -R 755 /Volumes/Snow/System/Library/Extensions/*

chown -R root:wheel /Volumes/Snow//System/Library/Extensions/*


Note: If you add any other extensions later to try to boot Snow because somehow something went wrong (maybe your gfx card is hanging snow from booting) and you want to try to fix it from leopard you must repeat step 8.


9. Delete Extensions.mkext from your /Extra folders on your Leopard partition. This is because it contains ATY_init.kext and could mess up your Leopard gfx drivers if you are already using any other type of injector like nvdarwin or nvinject or efi strings. Trash it.


10.Reboot!!! When Chameleon comes up press any key, select your snow partition and boot with -v -x32


11. If you successfully booted go to step 13. If your system hangs at ACPI_SMC it is very likely your gfx card. Reboot into Leopard. Delete Extensions.mkext from your /Extra folders on your Snow partition. Reboot and try to boot Snow again.


12. Still no luck? Reboot into Leopard again! This time back up all kexts that start with ATI and NVDA and Geforce and AppleIntelGMA from your SNOW Extensions folder to a secure location, then remove them from your SNOW extensions folder and reboot. If you add these kexts back in later remember you need to follow step 8 again.


13. Fix BIOS reset - For those interested follow step 3 under Making it Work at link below but do it while booted in Snow...or just download my patched dsdt.aml and overwrite the file in /extra for both leopard and snow partitions. I recommend you do it yourself though and learn something.






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