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Hey, so I have been trying for many many many hours to get Leopard (preferably at least 10.5.7) installed on my friend's computer, and I have been trying in vain with iDeneb v1.5.1 (Leopard 10.5.7) Originally I was getting waiting for root device (by being an idiot, had to have it set to ahci mode for the Sata drive) Now I am getting many various errors as I get past that. "Boot-cache avoidance", "timeout creating kernel symbols", "timeout waiting for IOKit to quiesce" Are a sampling of the errors.


So I have read that v1.3 of iDeneb installs correctly and can then be updated to at least 10.5.7 (no word on 10.5.8 yet), and I have also read that boo132 with a retail disk also works, and can be gotten up to 10.5.7. Problem is my retail disk is the earliest leopard that was available (I think 10.5.1?) so I really dont want to deal with updating that when even the plain installs seem to be so hit or miss.


So I am wondering, if you own this board, and are currently at least mostly up to date, what method did you use, and would you be willing to help me out?


The PC's specs are as follows:


Mobo - Asus P6T Deluxe v2

CPU - Intel i7 920

Ram - 12GB DDR3 Ram (OCZ, 1333)

HD - 1.5TB Sata drive (Samsung)

Video - nVidia quadro fx1700 (PNY)

Optical Drives - LG Bluray/DVD/CD burner


Please help if you can! I am currently downloading ideneb v1.3, which I read works. if that doesn't work, I will try the boot132 retail method.


(as I note, I am not completely new to this. I started on version 10.5.2, and have since installed leopard on around 5 different instances.. and never in a situation where it should be easy :) That's not to be mistaken for me saying I am good at this though, as I am nowhere near as good as the pros on here)



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If you follow the guide @




It will guide you through. Boot-132 with Retail disk will get you up and working with few problems. It's the one I've followed on my P6T deluxe V2. Works like a dream, apart from the update to patch 10.5.8. It kills sleep (fix available) and patch your Lan as with any of the patches.


Anyhow follow the guide and best of luck.

Problem is, my retail disk is (I think) 10.5.0, or maybe 10.5.1. I got it back when I had a macbook pro. I am not going to buy another copy. What kernel is used in the retail guide? does it just wind up using the vanilla kernel?


If it is possible with boot132, it should be possible to do it through any other disk, as long as I can manually install anything I need.


Can the boot132 disk be used in conjunction with a scene release? like say ideneb? If not I may just try to get the newest retail disk though "other means".


Thank you for your help so much though!


I wonder if apple will send you a replacement copy of the disk if you say yours is damaged? I assume if so that it would be the newest copy.

Problem is, my retail disk is (I think) 10.5.0, or maybe 10.5.1. I got it back when I had a macbook pro. I am not going to buy another copy. What kernel is used in the retail guide? does it just wind up using the vanilla kernel?


If it is possible with boot132, it should be possible to do it through any other disk, as long as I can manually install anything I need.


Can the boot132 disk be used in conjunction with a scene release? like say ideneb? If not I may just try to get the newest retail disk though "other means".


Thank you for your help so much though!


I wonder if apple will send you a replacement copy of the disk if you say yours is damaged? I assume if so that it would be the newest copy.


I wouldn't worry too much, I installed for a 10.5.0 Retail disk then upgraded using the combo upgrades to 10.5.6 and then 10.5.7. All working very well, in fact 10.5.7 seems to be a fully working mac with auto sleep etc. Haven't had any issues with it at all, apart from when I tried to upgrade to 10.5.8.


If you follow through the guide using your Retail disc and then combo upgrade it should be fine. Always better if you install onto a seperate harddrive, makes things a lot easier, but the guide points the right direction.


Good luck.

I wouldn't worry too much, I installed for a 10.5.0 Retail disk then upgraded using the combo upgrades to 10.5.6 and then 10.5.7. All working very well, in fact 10.5.7 seems to be a fully working mac with auto sleep etc. Haven't had any issues with it at all, apart from when I tried to upgrade to 10.5.8.


If you follow through the guide using your Retail disc and then combo upgrade it should be fine. Always better if you install onto a seperate harddrive, makes things a lot easier, but the guide points the right direction.


Good luck.


What happened on your attempt to update to 10.5.8?


I just tried the retail install, with a burned 10.5.6 disk (burned on my other hackintosh, it's a perfect burn as far as I can tell), and always either get "still waiting for root device" later in the install, before the actual mac installer shows up (I think it's saying that about my hard drive, not the disk), or when it has worked (I have to specify rd=disk0s1, not disk0s3 like the guide says) then I get "failed while creating kernel symbols", "Waiting for IOKit to quiesce", and then something about "boot-cache avoidance". Searches on those errors have turned up nothing, although it seems that it is just about to the installer at that point, as people with those errors sometimes say it causes a 10-15 minute pause before booting, some frozen at the blue screen with a cursor. But for me it lasts forever, no blue screen or cursor. (or more than 3 hours by my testing)


I am still downloading iDeneb v1.3, there aren't many seeder any more. But I got the exact same error messages when trying to install using iDeneb v1.5.1, and this retail method. So it seems that it is not a software issues, but a hard drive configuration issue.


I have wiped the drive (a 1.5TB SATA by Samsung) completely, and tried again and again with the same errors. I even tried creating one full-disk fat32 partition on the drive as I saw some people got their drives to show up like that. It is the only hard drive in the system, and the DVD drive is a SATA LG Bluray/DVD/CD combo drive.


Any ideas? It seems to me to be related to the IO drivers for this disk. All of the bios settings are correct, no jumpers to mess with, drive is in the first SATA port.


... I just thought of something... could disk0s1 be pointing to my SATA Bluray/DVD/CD drive?

which... would cause problems right? Like.. after it loads everything and starts trying to access the disk? Though... on ideneb10.5.1 I got this error too, but after the installation, after correctly installing on the hard drive. I have no clue now. Please help if you can!


How can I find out what number to use there? I have a live CD of gparted if that will help me find it out.


Thanks for any help you can give!

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