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The WLAN connection works when I boot the system. Then it stays sometimes for 5 minutes or for a few hours and just disconnects. After the disconnect no networks are visible. Even de- and reactivate the Airport brings no network back. Only restart brings back the network.


I think it disconnects faster when downloading (testet by downloading a Linux Distribution via http)


I just replaced the Linksys WMP54GS-DE with the ASUS W138G V2. Both cards are recognized by Mac OS as an Airport Card. I even tried a different WLAN Router - with the same effect. A Macbook can use the network from the same place.

So the hardware should be ok...


SYSTEM: iDeneb 1.4 an AMD updated to 10.5.7


Does anyone has an idea what it could be?


I found a solution for the problem: with cpus=1 it works. But is there an way to do it with 2 cores?


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