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I'm trying to install iDeneb 10.5.6 on my Phenom 9750, 4GB RAM, GeForce 9600GT the first time I booted from the disc it took awhile but loaded the installer, which I was not able to install then because the partition I had made for it was NTFS (yay vista...) and it only saw the drive as a whole not the individual partitions, so I restarted back into windows and deleted the partition to see if the Mac OS disk utility would then separate the remainder of the drive from the portion that I wanted for my Mac OS partition. Now when I try boot from the disc it goes to the apple loading screen and does nothing with the DVD drive and eventually a circle with a line through it comes on above the apple logo.


I thought it may have cached some of the files to the RAM or to the HDD but I unpugged the HDD and unplugged the computer to clear the RAM, and it is still doing the same thing


and ideas?

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so I tried it again tonight and it booted up, but my idea as far as the partition goes failed disk util still only saw the drive as one drive not the partitions. even though its not my boot drive for windows, I have close to 500 gigs on there I don't feel like loosing. so easy enough fix, I decided to use a 40GB drive I had lying around, and now its hanging on the apple screen again not reading from the DVD drive.

I've been able to intall, but not I'm fighting the "Still waiting for root device" message...


I have a Phenom 9750

K9a2 MoBo


using a 40gig IDE PATA drive and a dvd drive on the same ide cable with the HDD set as primary master and the DVD as primary slave. I have SATA disabled in the BIOS I'm using a USB Keyboard and Mouse. I've installed multiple times using the AMD fix and the Voodoo kernel to no avail... I'm starting to get fed up and thinking about just installing it on my old P4 that I had Tiger running perfect on 2 years ago.


not that anything I type matters on this forum.... no one responds to anything anyway

That error after a successful installation means that you didn't install the chipset driver.

Go to your mo/bo's site, confirm your chipset and boot again from dvd to install it.


I was kinda thinking that, and was going to do that, and not its giving me the error message on booting from the install disc, which to this point has been an intermittent issue, so I'll try again tonight @_@


Thanks for the reply by the way, I figure if I can document my success and failure it will at least help someone down the road.

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