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[Sell] [eBay] Pristine OSX Ready Netbook - Samsung NC10 Upgraded

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Pristine Samsung NC10 White 160gb hd, 5-6 hour battery (5+ in OSX, 6+ in XP, full brightness+wifi)


Ram upgraded to 2GB and Wifi card swapped out with Dell 1490 b/g.


This makes it 100% Leopard happy and it's running 10.5.6 right now. (I believe a comboupdate is available for 10.5.7.) As stated in the auction upon sale I will restore the OS to Windows XP (All manuals and discs included) unless otherwise requested.


Working: Full graphics QE/CI at native resolution, Webcam, VGA out, Audio headphones/speakers, Brightness control (requires a hotkey + quicksilver), USB, WIFI (detects as Airport!).


Of the EEE 900/1000 series, Aspire 1, Dell 9, and the NC10 this has been the EASIEST to type on and most osx-happy netbook. The battery life is also insane, considering other netbooks get closer to 2-4 hours..




Thanks for looking. Any questions reply here is faster than PM. Thanks!



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