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I installed iDeneb v1.4... everything else is working except LAN. I have a DFI LanParty DK P35 motherboard, which has an onboard Marvell 88E8053.


However, I have no AppleYukon2.kext, which is mentioned in every topic relating to the Marvell 88E805X, and apparently works OOB with mine.

Grrr.... Read the forum guidelines please! Genius Bar is just for tutorials. If you have a problem with a tutorial then post it in the tutorial thread.



Honest mistake, sorry. For some reason I thought I was in the questions forum (I even posted a question there the day before making this topic). Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for moving it for me.

That's OK. I'm happy to move topics when people post in the wrong forums just as long as they are nice about it. The way the Genius Bar works is if there is a topic with a guide and you have a question about it then you post in that topic. Good luck!



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