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Hi people,


I've looked all around all google search possible and still couldn't find examples of p-states from users using similar processor t23xx(I am using a t2390 1.87GHz), so I came hear to ask for an opinion about my voltages.



here is the results for a sysctl -a | grep throttle:

kern.exec: unknown type returned

kern.cputhrottle_curfreq: 800

kern.cputhrottle_curvolt: 940

kern.cputhrottle_freqs: 800 1067 1333 1600 1867

kern.cputhrottle_factoryvolts: 940 1052 1164 1276 1388

kern.cputhrottle_ctl: 1551

kern.cputhrottle_auto: 1

kern.cputhrottle_targetload: 30



The PStateTable was automatically populated from the ACPI, I don't know but comparing it to the processor specs (http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SLA4H)

VID Voltage Range: 1.075V-1.175V those voltages (kern.cputhrottle_factoryvolts: 940 1052 1164 1276 1388) seem too harsh.


Is it normal to have these notebook processors exceding their VID for some reason?


I am thinking of setting the PState Table on the Info.plist manually like this:





What would you guys recomend?


Thank you.

Hi people,


I've looked all around all google search possible and still couldn't find examples of p-states from users using similar processor t23xx(I am using a t2390 1.87GHz), so I came hear to ask for an opinion about my voltages.

here is the results for a sysctl -a | grep throttle:

kern.exec: unknown type returned

kern.cputhrottle_curfreq: 800

kern.cputhrottle_curvolt: 940

kern.cputhrottle_freqs: 800 1067 1333 1600 1867

kern.cputhrottle_factoryvolts: 940 1052 1164 1276 1388

kern.cputhrottle_ctl: 1551

kern.cputhrottle_auto: 1

kern.cputhrottle_targetload: 30



The PStateTable was automatically populated from the ACPI, I don't know but comparing it to the processor specs (http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SLA4H)

VID Voltage Range: 1.075V-1.175V those voltages (kern.cputhrottle_factoryvolts: 940 1052 1164 1276 1388) seem too harsh.


Is it normal to have these notebook processors exceding their VID for some reason?


I am thinking of setting the PState Table on the Info.plist manually like this:



What would you guys recomend?


Thank you.



You can also use VoodooPower by Superhai. It allows you to override voltage settings diffining a voltage range in the Info.plist.


You can also use VoodooPower by Superhai. It allows you to override voltage settings diffining a voltage range in the Info.plist.



if I was to use VoodooPower, Do I just need to put the UserVoltageMax/UserVoltageMin setting and it calculates the voltages in between?




			<true/>  // ---> [b]Do need to change it to false when using the voltage override?[/b]




I do have tried to start using VoodooPowerMini yesterday.. but man, it offer all those override voltage settings and threeshold;hysteresis, but I found it odd that it doesn't have any option on that to show on the terminal all the p-states table it is using, but it do have and option to show just the current one, I think it lacks a complete overview of the kext stats like the one we can have with Intelenhancedspeedstep, plus when I tested it yesterday the notebook became a "shutdown russian roulette" as sometimes it shutdowns ok and sometimes it doesn't that's why I am still using IntelEnhancedSpeedstep


In my view, for my use, the only feature that is better on VoodooPower is the hysteresis value, the one which avoids frequent steppings when the processor don't need it.


Thank you for your input.

  • 2 weeks later...
One more thing, do you think that those 1.276V 1.388V voltages could have damaged my processor?


thank you.


You could try the new v1.4.9 (get it from project website) which has an option to auto-create a PState table for you if one can't be found through ACPI, or if you supply -autopstate option to the kernel while booting (at the bootloader prompt). The minimum voltage is currently fixed at 984 mV because there seems to be absolutely no general formula to find it. The max voltage is read directly from the CPU that the BIOS has set up at boot time. The remaining values are linearly interpolated. The number of Pstates depends on your fsb frequency and max cpu speed, and can range from 6xFSB to max cpu freq, in steps of 2xFSB.


Also, for those who prefer sysctl interface, a new version 1.5.0 is being tested right now which has a couple more features, among which are a few new sysctl keys: "kern.cputhrottle_usage" which displays the % of time your computer has stayed in each of the frequencies (pstates), "kern.cputhrottle_avgfreq" which shows a weighted average frequency (by amount of time your computer has stayed on it), and "kern.cputhrottle_totalthrottles" which shows how many times the cpu freq was throttled so far. Turning kern.cputhrottle_auto on or off also finally works now. This version will be uploaded in a few days once I've made sure there are no fatal bugs (like with 1.4.5).


matrix:~ mercurysquad$ sysctl -a | grep thro
kern.exec: unknown type returned
kern.cputhrottle_curfreq: 1067
kern.cputhrottle_curvolt: 780
kern.cputhrottle_freqs: 800 1067 1333 1733 
kern.cputhrottle_usage: 89.0%  3.0%  2.0% 4.0%  
kern.cputhrottle_avgfreq: 864
kern.cputhrottle_factoryvolts: 716 780 860 1084 
kern.cputhrottle_totalthrottles: 4021
kern.cputhrottle_ctl: 2053
kern.cputhrottle_targetload: 40
kern.cputhrottle_auto: 1

  • 2 months later...



I installed 1.4.9 and..well, I don't know what to say.. :P see for yourself:


sysctl -a | grep freq

kern.exec: unknown type returned

hw.busfrequency = 1332000000

hw.cpufrequency = 3166000000

hw.tbfrequency = 1000000000

kern.cputhrottle_curfreq: 2664

kern.cputhrottle_freqs: 1998 2664 3330 3996 4662 5328 5994 6660 7326 7992 8658 9324 9990 10656113221198812654133201398614652153181598416650173161798218648193141998020646


hw.tbfrequency: 1000000000

hw.cpufrequency_max: 3166000000

hw.cpufrequency_min: 3166000000

hw.cpufrequency: 3166000000

hw.busfrequency_max: 1332000000

hw.busfrequency_min: 1332000000

hw.busfrequency: 1332000000


sysctl -a | grep thro

kern.exec: unknown type returned

kern.cputhrottle_curfreq: 2664

kern.cputhrottle_curvolt: 1087

kern.cputhrottle_freqs: 1998 2664 3330 3996 4662 5328 5994 6660 7326 7992 8658 9324 9990 10656113221198812654133201398614652153181598416650173161798218648193141998020646


kern.cputhrottle_factoryvolts: 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125

kern.cputhrottle_ctl: 2078

kern.cputhrottle_auto: 1

kern.cputhrottle_targetload: 40


Does it work only with the Voodoo Kernel?

I'd rather not disable AppleIntelCPUPM because that will break S3 sleep.


kextstat -k:

Index Refs Address    Size       Wired      Name (Version) <Linked Against>
  17   18 0x2e209000 0x11000    0x10000    com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily (2.6)
  18   10 0x2e220000 0x4000     0x3000     com.apple.iokit.IOACPIFamily (1.2.0)
  19    2 0x2e270000 0x3e000    0x3d000    com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPlatform (1.2.5) <18 17>
  20    0 0x2e317000 0x5000     0x4000     com.apple.BootCache (30.4)
  21    0 0x2e35d000 0x6000     0x5000     net.mercurysquad.driver.IntelEnhancedSpeedStep (1.4.9)
  22    3 0x2e427000 0x3a000    0x39000    com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily (1.5.5)
  23    0 0x2e4cc000 0x1f000    0x1e000    com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement (76.2.0)
  24    0 0x2e513000 0x3000     0x2000     com.apple.security.TMSafetyNet (3)
  25    0 0x2e52d000 0x8000     0x7000     com.apple.nke.applicationfirewall (1.6.77)
  26    0 0x2e56d000 0x18000    0x17000    com.apple.security.seatbelt (107.12)
  27    0 0x2e5e4000 0x3000     0x2000     com.apple.driver.AppleAPIC (1.4)
  28    0 0x2e5f9000 0x4000     0x3000     com.apple.driver.AppleSMBIOS (1.4)
  29    0 0x3417b000 0x3000     0x2000     com.apple.driver.AppleACPIPCI (1.2.5) <19 18 17>
  30    0 0x341dc000 0x5000     0x4000     com.apple.driver.AppleRTC (1.2.3) <18>
  31    0 0x3421a000 0x3000     0x2000     com.apple.driver.AppleHPET (1.4) <18>
  32    0 0x343a1000 0x4000     0x3000     com.apple.driver.AppleACPIButtons (1.2.5) <22 19 18>
  33    0 0x343ba000 0x3000     0x2000     org.netkas.fakesmc (1) <18>
  34    1 0x343cc000 0x3000     0x2000     com.apple.driver.AppleEFIRuntime (1.2.0)
  35    0 0x343f4000 0x6000     0x5000     com.apple.driver.AppleEFINVRAM (1.2.0) <34>
  36    2 0x3454e000 0x3f000    0x3e000    com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireFamily (3.4.9)
  37    0 0x345c6000 0x23000    0x22000    com.apple.driver.AppleFWOHCI (3.9.7) <36 17>
  38   12 0x3471c000 0x2a000    0x29000    com.apple.iokit.IOUSBFamily (3.4.9)
  39    0 0x347b1000 0xe000     0xd000     com.apple.driver.AppleUSBUHCI (3.3.5) <38 17>
  40    3 0x34811000 0x6000     0x5000     com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIFamily (1.5.0)
  41    0 0x3482c000 0xc000     0xb000     com.apple.driver.AppleAHCIPort (1.7.0) <40 17>
  42   10 0x3489c000 0x18000    0x17000    com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily (1.5.6)
  44    0 0x34956000 0x12000    0x11000    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBEHCI (3.4.6) <38 17>
  45    2 0x349e1000 0xd000     0xc000     com.apple.iokit.IOATAFamily (2.0.1)
  46    0 0x349ff000 0x7000     0x6000     com.apple.driver.AppleVIAATA (1.0.3) <45 17>
  47    0 0x34a60000 0x2000     0x1000     com.apple.iokit.IOUSBUserClient (3.4.9) <38>
  48    0 0x34ad8000 0xc000     0xb000     com.apple.driver.AppleUSBHub (3.4.9) <38>
  49    0 0x34bc1000 0x12000    0x11000    com.apple.iokit.IOAHCIBlockStorage (1.2.2) <42 40>
  50    6 0x34c64000 0x19000    0x18000    com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIArchitectureModelFamily (2.1.1)
  51    0 0x34c99000 0x4000     0x3000     com.apple.iokit.IOATAPIProtocolTransport (1.5.3) <50 45>
  52    0 0x34d12000 0x8000     0x7000     com.apple.iokit.IOAHCISerialATAPI (1.1.2) <50 40>
  53    0 0x34f4a000 0x5000     0x4000     com.apple.driver.XsanFilter (2.7.91) <42>
  54    0 0x34fca000 0x6000     0x5000     com.apple.iokit.SCSITaskUserClient (2.1.1) <50 42>
  55    3 0x3509d000 0x8000     0x7000     com.apple.iokit.IOCDStorageFamily (1.5) <42>
  56    2 0x350dd000 0x6000     0x5000     com.apple.iokit.IODVDStorageFamily (1.5) <55 42>
  57    1 0x35106000 0x17000    0x16000    com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice (2.1.1) <50 42>
  58    1 0x3512b000 0x5000     0x4000     com.apple.iokit.IOBDStorageFamily (1.5) <56 55 42>
  59    0 0x35158000 0x16000    0x15000    com.apple.iokit.IOSCSIMultimediaCommandsDevice (2.1.1) <58 57 56 55 50 42>
  60    1 0x351cd000 0x4000     0x3000     com.apple.driver.AppleUSBComposite (3.2.0) <38>
  61    0 0x351d8000 0x3000     0x2000     com.apple.driver.AppleUSBMergeNub (3.4.6) <60 38>
  62    1 0x3528c000 0x5000     0x4000     com.apple.iokit.IOUSBHIDDriver (3.4.6) <38 22>
  63    0 0x353ca000 0x27000    0x26000    com.Logitech.Control Center.HID Driver (3.0.0) <62 38 22>
  64    1 0x2e1a8000 0x9000     0x8000     com.apple.iokit.IOSerialFamily (9.4)
  65    1 0x2e31c000 0x9000     0x8000     com.apple.driver.Apple16X50Serial (1.9) <64 17>
  66    0 0x2e1b1000 0x2000     0x1000     com.apple.driver.Apple16X50ACPI (1.9) <65 18>
  67    5 0x2e363000 0x1d000    0x1c000    com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily (1.7.3) <17>
  68    2 0x2e380000 0xe000     0xd000     com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport (1.7.3) <67 17>
  69    2 0x3d1c3000 0x28b000   0x28a000   com.apple.NVDAResman (5.4.9) <68 67 17>
  70    0 0x3d44e000 0x41c000   0x41b000   com.apple.nvidia.nv50hal (5.4.9) <69>
  72    0 0x2e1c9000 0x3000     0x2000     com.apple.driver.AppleLPC (1.3.1) <17>
  74    2 0x2e397000 0xa000     0x9000     com.apple.driver.AppleSMC (2.3.1d1) <18>
  75    1 0x2e3a1000 0xe000     0xd000     com.apple.driver.IOPlatformPluginFamily (3.4.0a17)
  76    0 0x2e3af000 0xf000     0xe000     com.apple.driver.ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin (3.4.0a17) <75 74 18 17>
  77    1 0x2e327000 0x3000     0x2000     com.apple.kext.OSvKernDSPLib (1.1)
  78    5 0x2e461000 0x17000    0x16000    com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily (1.6.9fc5) <77>
  79    0 0x343fa000 0x34000    0x33000    com.apple.driver.AppleUSBAudio (2.6.4b17) <78 38>
  80    0 0x2e3be000 0x4000     0x3000     com.apple.driver.AudioIPCDriver (1.0.6) <78>
  81    3 0x2e535000 0x16000    0x15000    com.apple.iokit.IONetworkingFamily (1.6.1)
  82    0 0x2e3ca000 0x9000     0x8000     com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireIP (1.7.7) <81 36>
  83    2 0x2e478000 0x7000     0x6000     com.apple.iokit.IOHDAFamily (1.7.1a2)
  84    0 0x3442e000 0x10000    0xf000     com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController (1.7.1a2) <83 17>
  85    0 0x3443e000 0x2b000    0x2a000    com.apple.iokit.AppleYukon2 (3.1.13b2) <81 17>
  86    0 0x3d86a000 0xab000    0xaa000    com.apple.GeForce (5.4.9) <69 68 67 17>
  87    0 0x2e516000 0x8000     0x7000     com.apple.driver.AGPM (100.8.7) <67 17>
  88    0 0x2e54b000 0x4000     0x3000     com.deepseasoftware.driver.CDSDAudioCaptureSupport (1.3) <78>
  89    1 0x345ea000 0x6e000    0x6d000    com.apple.driver.DspFuncLib (1.7.1a2) <78>
  90    0 0x34fd0000 0x7b000    0x7a000    com.apple.driver.AppleHDA (1.7.1a2) <89 83 78>
  91    2 0x2e5d9000 0x5000     0x4000     com.apple.iokit.CHUDKernLib (201)
  94    0 0x3417e000 0xc000     0xb000     com.apple.iokit.CHUDProf (211) <91>
  95    0 0x340e1000 0x7000     0x6000     com.apple.iokit.CHUDUtils (201) <91>
  97    0 0x2e5ed000 0x3000     0x2000     com.apple.Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X (6.0.3) <74>
  98    0 0x34469000 0x10000    0xf000     com.apple.driver.DiskImages (199) <42>
  99    0 0x341e1000 0x3000     0x2000     com.apple.iokit.KLog (3.0.3) <38>
 100    0 0x341e4000 0x4000     0x3000     com.apple.driver.AppleUpstreamUserClient (2.7.5) <67 18 17>
 101    0 0x34c09000 0xb000     0xa000     com.apple.filesystems.autofs (2.0.2)
 102    0 0x3eb13000 0x88000    0x87000    com.parallels.kext.prl_hypervisor (4.0 3844.408728)
 103    0 0x348d9000 0x3000     0x2000     com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook (4.0 3844.408728)
 104    0 0x34976000 0x4000     0x3000     com.parallels.kext.prl_usb_connect (4.0 3844.408728) <38>
 105    0 0x34a15000 0x7000     0x6000     com.parallels.kext.prl_netbridge (4.0 3844.408728)
 106    0 0x34a83000 0x5000     0x4000     com.parallels.kext.prl_vnic (4.0 3844.408728) <81>
 107    0 0x2e139000 0x3000     0x2000     com.bresink.driver.BRESINKx86Monitoring (4.0)
 108    0 0x2e14b000 0x5000     0x4000     com.apple.driver.AppleHWSensor (1.9d0)
 109    0 0x2e150000 0x2000     0x1000     com.nvidia.CUDA (1.1.0)
 110    0 0x355e1000 0x1b000    0x1a000    com.apple.filesystems.ntfs (2.1)
 111    0 0x342c5000 0xa000     0x9000     com.apple.iokit.IOUSBMassStorageClass (2.0.8) <50 42 38>
 113    0 0x342cf000 0xd000     0xc000     com.apple.filesystems.msdosfs (1.5.5)

  • 3 weeks later...

I wonder what processor is that from mercurysquad:

kern.cputhrottle_freqs: 800 1067 1333 1733 
kern.cputhrottle_factoryvolts: 716 780 860 1084

is it a pentium-M or t2370 core2duo? cause if that's a c2d it gives some voltage margin to set.


I would like to change my minimum voltage to 850~900, but can't find much information on other users experiences.


Beerkex'd, wow. wacky results, for now i think this kext will not work with intelcpupowermanagement enabled at all cause it already do the speedsteping on macs.

I just tried the last version 1.4.9 but it stalls a little on bootup it finds just one pstate from ACPI, and on bootup it gives:


WARN IOKit CPUs not found

Auto-throttle could not be started


even when i tried with Pstatetable setted.. so I am sticking with 1.4.0 version for now and turning auto on with a startup item..


kern.cputhrottle_curfreq: 800

kern.cputhrottle_curvolt: 940

kern.cputhrottle_freqs: 800 1067 1333 1600 1867

kern.cputhrottle_factoryvolts: 844 940 988 1036 1116

kern.cputhrottle_ctl: 1551

kern.cputhrottle_auto: 1

kern.cputhrottle_targetload: 30


one question, it wont set 844mv, the minimum voltage it sets is 940mv, is it possible to set less than 940mv?

  • 1 month later...
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