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Hi all, as in subject, i have a problem...

I have installed first, winXP Pro, then Windows 7 and finally macOSX


So i have 3 primary partitions:


2 = Windows NTFS

3 = MacOSX EXT+


...and an extended partition in NTFS.


I have upgraded the bootloader to the nev v2 chameleon version, and now i have an issue

When i select the Windows 7 OS, i have BOOTMGR missing error,

When i select macOSX, all goes well

When i select Win XP PRO, i go into a text-bootloader (win7 bootloader i think), where i can select both, win7 and winXP, and they works well.


Into boot settings of Win7 (under advanced system properties) i see no settings, all white than win xp pro


what do you think.. if i replace the bootmgr on win7 partition.. i cannot anymore boot from macos.. (i have also a bootable gparted usbpen)

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  • 2 months later...
no hints???

I've tried to rewrite the bootmgr from Win7 DVD, but it doen't allow me to choose a drive (no drive listed after choose "Repair Windows installation")


Skizzo, I am curious. Did you ever fix what you were trying to do? I was all excited that I found a post that was dealing with exactly what I am experiencing only to find out that there was no reply to your question.


I am in a similar boat. I am triple booting:


Windows Vista

Windows 7

Mac OS X


all on the same drive. When I click on Mac OS everything works fine. When I click on Windows 7, I get a "BOOTMGR is missing" error. When I click on Windows Vista, I get the Windows bootloader with Windows 7 as an option. Let me know if you found a solution or if you have any ideas. Thanks.

Forget about Chameleon v2 and Gparted {censored}!


On GUID : Windows7|Leopard|XP|Share (XP must be on the 3rd partition, EFI is partition 0)


Simple 3ple booting guide


1. Load Leopard distro and make 4 partitions in guid using disk utilities -> FAT32|HFS+|FAT32|FAT32

2. Install Leopard on partition 2

3. Load W7 and install on the partition 1

4. Using W7 disk management format partition 3&4 as NTFS and Set partition 3 as ACTIVE

5. Load XP dvd and install on partition 3

6. Install Boot Think 2.2.2 in XP then click Darwin/MBR/SetupMBR.bat Done


Reboot and You have beautiful triple boot system with 1 share partition.

Forget about Chameleon v2 and Gparted {censored}!


On GUID : Windows7|Leopard|XP|Share (XP must be on the 3rd partition, EFI is partition 0)


Simple 3ple booting guide


1. Load Leopard distro and make 4 partitions in guid using disk utilities -> FAT32|HFS+|FAT32|FAT32

2. Install Leopard on partition 2

3. Load W7 and install on the partition 1


On a BIOS-based computer, your procedure will fail at this point unless you configure your system to use a hybrid MBR/GPT rather than a conventional GPT (aka GUID partition) setup. This is because Windows (even version 7) won't install to a GPT disk, and won't boot from a GPT disk, at least not when the computer uses BIOS rather than EFI.


Of course, you could use a hybrid MBR setup, but that carries its own risks. IMHO, it's not worth the problems unless you've got a desperate need for such a configuration. See my page on hybrid MBRs for details. For a 4-partition setup on a sub-2TiB disk, I don't think there's much call for it.

The BIOS SATA support has nothing to do with MBR vs. GPT partitions. This setting's proper value will also vary depending on the drivers you have available. (IIRC, Windows XP enables you to feed it drivers during the install process, so you can work around BIOS SATA issues if you've got the drivers.)

Yeah maybe u r right, but i only get that vista/w7 "unable to be installed on GPT partition style" message after ubuntu installation. (ruin EFI, ruin sd0, sd1 etc)


If without ubuntu in the scene, i can setup pentaboot OS on GUID as easy as the guide that i've given.

Hi all, as in subject, i have a problem...

I have installed first, winXP Pro, then Windows 7 and finally macOSX


So i have 3 primary partitions:


2 = Windows NTFS

3 = MacOSX EXT+


...and an extended partition in NTFS.


I have upgraded the bootloader to the nev v2 chameleon version, and now i have an issue

When i select the Windows 7 OS, i have BOOTMGR missing error,

When i select macOSX, all goes well

When i select Win XP PRO, i go into a text-bootloader (win7 bootloader i think), where i can select both, win7 and winXP, and they works well.


Into boot settings of Win7 (under advanced system properties) i see no settings, all white than win xp pro


what do you think.. if i replace the bootmgr on win7 partition.. i cannot anymore boot from macos.. (i have also a bootable gparted usbpen)


try use bootloader from iAtkos v7 = Xiezhy installer.

Yeah maybe u r right, but i only get that vista/w7 "unable to be installed on GPT partition style" message after ubuntu installation. (ruin EFI, ruin sd0, sd1 etc)


If without ubuntu in the scene, i can setup pentaboot OS on GUID as easy as the guide that i've given.


Then there's something going on that you don't know about -- perhaps you've got a hybrid MBR configuration and you don't realize it, or your system's got EFI features and you don't know it. Check out Microsoft's GPT FAQ for information on what Microsoft OSes can (and can not) do with GPT. The rules are sadly complex, but on a BIOS-based x86 or x86-64 system, no version of Windows can boot from GPT. You need EFI instead of BIOS to boot Windows from a GPT partition. In fact, the 32-bit version of XP can't read GPT at all, so even if you had some unknown EFI support on your system, that wouldn't be enough if you're talking about 32-bit Windows XP in your multi-boot scenario.


Believe me, I've tried to work around this limitation. I've attempted clean installs of Windows (through Windows 7 RC) using a variety of boot loaders, I've tried converting MBR to GPT, and so on. If there's a way to get Windows to boot from a pure (non-hybrid) GPT configuration on a BIOS-based computer, I don't know what it is. I can guarantee you that your method does not work, at least not on my computer.


My best guess about what's going on for you is that you've set up a hybrid MBR configuration, apparently without even realizing it. Windows then installs fine in the hybrid MBR and OS X installs fine, seeing the disk as GPT. When Ubuntu Linux comes along, it uses a partition tool based on libparted, which replaces the hybrid MBR with a conventional protective MBR, rendering Windows unbootable -- or perhaps it replaces the hybrid MBR with an MBR-only setup, rendering OS X unbootable. (You weren't specific about the nature of the problem.) Either way, this just points out the danger of a hybrid MBR configuration -- it's non-standard, so you can never be sure how any given OS, installer, boot loader, or disk utility will treat it.


As a side note, I've wondered if something like Boot-132 could be used to enable Windows to install to and boot from a GPT partition on a BIOS-based computer. I've yet to encounter a program that claims to do this, though. My attempts with OSx86 boot loaders have been unsuccessful; they seem to be too OS X-centric to do anything useful for Windows, aside from boot Windows from an MBR (or hybrid) partition.

  • 2 weeks later...

Some things to check if you're getting bootmgr error when trying to boot win 7 from chameleon:

1) Make sure bootmgr is actually where it's supposed to be, there should be a file "bootmgr" on the root of your windows drive. Load up the win 7 recovery command prompt and copy the file from your dvd to your hard drive (assuming c: is your windows partition and d: is your dvd drive):

copy d:\bootmgr c:\bootmgr

2) Run startup repair on your windows partition after making it, temporarily, active. To make the Windows partition active, from the recovery command prompt enter:

list disk (to figure out which harddrive to select if you have more than 1)
select disk 0 (or whatever the appropriate disk # is)
list partition (to figure out which partition to select)
select partition 2 (or whatever the windows partition # is)

Then run the startup repair and once it finishes run diskpart again and this time select your Chameleon/OSX partition and make it active again.


I fixed it with these.

  • 8 months later...
Forget about Chameleon v2 and Gparted {censored}!


On GUID : Windows7|Leopard|XP|Share (XP must be on the 3rd partition, EFI is partition 0)


Simple 3ple booting guide


1. Load Leopard distro and make 4 partitions in guid using disk utilities -> FAT32|HFS+|FAT32|FAT32

2. Install Leopard on partition 2

3. Load W7 and install on the partition 1

4. Using W7 disk management format partition 3&4 as NTFS and Set partition 3 as ACTIVE

5. Load XP dvd and install on partition 3

6. Install Boot Think 2.2.2 in XP then click Darwin/MBR/SetupMBR.bat Done


Reboot and You have beautiful triple boot system with 1 share partition.


Is There Any Way To Mac The MAC Partition Bigger? Or Does It Have To Stay The Size You Made It? Cus I Can't Find Anyway Of Changing It At All. Please Help. = )

  • 3 months later...
Some things to check if you're getting bootmgr error when trying to boot win 7 from chameleon:

1) Make sure bootmgr is actually where it's supposed to be, there should be a file "bootmgr" on the root of your windows drive. Load up the win 7 recovery command prompt and copy the file from your dvd to your hard drive (assuming c: is your windows partition and d: is your dvd drive):

copy d:\bootmgr c:\bootmgr

2) Run startup repair on your windows partition after making it, temporarily, active. To make the Windows partition active, from the recovery command prompt enter:

list disk (to figure out which harddrive to select if you have more than 1)
select disk 0 (or whatever the appropriate disk # is)
list partition (to figure out which partition to select)
select partition 2 (or whatever the windows partition # is)

Then run the startup repair and once it finishes run diskpart again and this time select your Chameleon/OSX partition and make it active again.


I fixed it with these.





oh my gosh you are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was about to format everything and reinstall but you solved my problem. Thank you soooo much!!!!!




anyone having the same problem, try this! works like a charm~


Thanks again :unsure:

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