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Hi, I'm fairly new to this OSx86 community, but I've been thinking about putting together a relatively inexpensive Hackintoch. I've been thinking about using the eeeBox B202, because its cheap and small. I was just wondering if this setup would work?


Here are two examples of what I'm looking at:

Black eeeBox B202 - 160GB

White eeeBox B202 - 80GB


Some noob questions I have:


1) Will either of those setups work?

2) If it will work, how compatible are these systems with OSX? As in, will the WIFI work, audio, etc out of the box? will I need extensive patches, etc?

3)What OSX distribution would be best to install/which install guide should I use? How easy or difficult is the install process?

4) What kind of performance should I expect out of a system with these specs running OSX 10.5? Will things run quickly and smoothly or will it be sluggish?


Thanks in advance!

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