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Hi all,

I installed iDeneb v1.4 last night on my Compaq N610c laptop.


I can't remember precisely which options I selected, however when the laptop is booted with -v, it stops at "using 2621 buffer headers and 2621 cluster IO buffer headers"


I'm not expecting "The Answer", but what does this problem generally point to? I'm guessing I've missed something out/selected something wrong in the customisation process - kernel / chipset / ACPI?


I can post a 'screenshot' if it'll help?


Thanks in advance,


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I notice that when the installer boots, the next line reads:

using 2621 buffer headers and 2621 cluster IO buffer headers
dsmos: Starting...
ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)


If someone can tell me where these lines of text originate from, I can work out what I was missing on my first install attempt... :)



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