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Hi, I'm trying to load my patched IOAHCIFamily.kext (in order to not to have orange drive icons) from /Extra/Extensions with no luck.


I'm not making an extension.mkext since every time I make one (using MKext tool or Kext Utility) I got IOAHCIFamily.kext working from /Extra , but many of the other kexts in /Extra/Extensions stop working due to missing dependencies.


Of course I edited <key>OSBundleRequired</key> to Root, and also set the permissions correctly but neither helped at all.


I think I may be missing something about how /Extra folder works but I can't find info about


Thanks in advance.

Forget it.


Go back to vanilla drive controller kexts and use the AHCI injectors that come with the Chameleon 2.0 installer.


If you have ICH10/R you may need to insert the device IDs manually in ACHIPortInjector.kext.

Thanks a lot for the info. I had no idea there were injectors included in Chameleon 2.0. I'm going to give them a try right now.


It worked! :) It seems my Chameleon 2.0 version was a bit older and didn't included those kexts.


Anyway do you know why some kexts are loaded from extra and some others doesn't?


Right now I'm loading:













But I can't get VoodooHDA.kext to load from any other place apart from /s/l/e


Any idea?


Thanks in advance.

I don't know for certain. One thing I do know is that you can check .kext dependencies in the info.plist inside. If these dependencies aren't satisfied, the kext won't load.

For example, my modified yukon2.plist won't run from /extra/extensions without IONetworkingFamily and IOPCIFamily.kext present. It complains about duplicates during boot but it works.

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