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I want to start out and say that this forum has been the greatest help, I could not have done it without you guys! My sig says it all. I have everything working great, just a couple of nit picking things. Let me tell you my HDD setup first. I have one 250 drive for windows (200 for vista, 50ish for xp), another for mac(220 for OSX, 30ish for Timemachine), and a 1tb for media to share between all oses. At boot, i have the bios pointing toward my Mac drive and starting Chameleon 2.0. I have 5 options then. OSX, Time Machine, Vista, XP, and Terabyte (the name of my media drive, no os). I made it have a 5 second timeout for OSX. OSX boots great, have not tried TM, but i dont think it would be bootable, Vista moves to the vista bootloader w/ Vista (bootable), xp (not), and OSX (not). I can adjust the vista bootloader with easybcd. XP w/ chameleon is not bootable (just a blinking cursor), and Terabyte has no OS to boot.


I need to remove Terabyte as an option, make XP bootable, adjust vista bootloader(i can do it), and possibly remove TM.


How can i accomplish this? I am 1 day into using chameleon and quite lost. Thanks ahead.

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