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this is a mirror of my topic at forums.msiwind.net. i thought i'd ask around here, since it's probably not a hardware-related issue (i'm on an msi wind).


i have a processor problem that's annoying as hell.


if the keyboard and trackpad/mouse are idle for a few minutes, the cpu usage suddenly goes up to 70-80 %, and no corresponding task shows up in activity monitor if i leave it open (it's set to show all processes). as soon as i touch something, the cpu goes back to normal.


it might be because of my migrated preferences or some program, since i always use the migration assistant when i have to install a new system and need to restore my account as soon as possible (i've been doing this since my powerbook g4). i don't think all three distros i've tried (msiwindosx86, ideneb and ipc) are faulty in the same manner..


i'm currently using ipc, and i've disabled the speedstep .kext (voodoopower), but it doesn't help. if i create a new user and log in, the problem doesn't occur. but i don't want to manually reinstall and set up all my programs and utilities again, and besides, one of them might be causing the problem.


so please please somebody, is there maybe a third party program or low-level console utility that might give me a clue? or did anybody have this weird issue and managed to fix it?




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