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A strange problem


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Ok here is my problem..


When i first installed OS X i ran into the same problem lots of 10.4.4 users are having about the login window never opening, it just got stuck there. However the setup music started playing and i had a mouse.


After i discovered that booting in safe mode lets me get to the login screen etc and works great, i realised that my sound wasnt working, i found this strange because the setup music had played before :S



Is this an issue with me booting in safe mode? All i can tell you is that i have an Avance Logic sound card, when i phoned the company i bought my laptop from they were less than helpful and refused to tell me anything claiming i had not checked their website first(which i had ¬_¬"


Its just the fact that i heard that awesome funky setup music and then the voice asking if i wanted to be talked through my mac setup when i booted in normal mode but no login screen appeared.


In safe mode the login screen appears and OS X is great, but i have no sound.


Any Help?


My spec is: 2.00Ghz P4 with SSE2, 512mb ram, 20gb harddrive

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Safe mode is a mode that skips loading all drivers, so that's probably why you're not getting sound in OS X.


Also, the Genius Bar isn't a place for asking questions. Just wanted to point that out. :) For future note, the PC forum is where you would want to go for Hackintosh questions. :)

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Sorry :$ I will remember that in future, thanks for your fast reply...but while my question is open, has anyone found a solution for the "Login Application Started" crash?


Or is there anyway to start the driver when OS X is loaded is safe mode?

Many thanks,


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