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Success w/ Mac OS Install - My Experiences


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First...I want to thank everyone that helped me with the install of OSX on my T41 Thinkpad. I had some issues with "still waiting for boot device" which was fixed by patching my ISO with Jas's latest patch and custimizing the install to not include any sata drivers or SSE3. Booted right up!


I also had an issue with my sound, did some searching and loaded the Appleac97Audio kext by hand, changed the permissions first on the file, rebooted and boom sound works.


I ahve to say, I have been using Windows for about 12 years now, I took some classes on Linux (fedora,debian,kubuntu) and I cant believe how awesome this OS is. I can see now why so many of you love it, now I want to get a Powerbook!.....


Thanks to everyone that helped me on the IRC channel too, and esp to Jas for his hard work with the patches!



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