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Installprobs. on Asus P5LD2 Deluxe


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I need your help !!


I try to install MacOSX 10.4.5 on my pc with an Asus P5LD2 Deluxe and an Pentium 4 630 !

At the IDE-Port i´ve 1 Plextor DVD-ROM and an NEC-DVDRW !

At the EIDE-Port (ITE8211F-Controler) i´ve two HD´s and at SATA-Port i´ve two HD´s too!!

Now i will install MacOSX at one of the HD´s on EIDE-Port but the Disk-Utility shows no HD to me !!


I look at hlc´s and read no probs for this motherboard !!?


What i can do to install an work with MacOSX at HD on ITE8211F-Controler ??!



please help !!

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MacOSX at HD on ITE8211F-Controler
This is not supported and probably never will be. Your Intel chipset is supported, so just install it in non-RAID mode to the SATA HD (BIOS setting). You can also install to the IDE HD on the single channel IDE (not the ITE controller) with master-slave configuration to the DVD drive.

Make it easy on yourself and try not to plug every HD and DVD drive to the system if you don't have to while doing the OSX install.

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