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Less Performance after sleep


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Hi there ...

I noticed the following strange issue: On my Hack occurs after waking up from suspend-to-Ram (Leopard 10.5.6, the same in 10.5.5) a strange drop in performance. Geekbench: from 3900 to 2800, XBench (only CPU) from 200 to 134. Did a test with Photoshop, the prog needs after sleep about 20% more time for every picture transformation.

Board: GA 945GCM-S2L, 2 GB RAM, 45nm CPU 3 GHz, GeForce 8600 gt. On my other rig with a 65nm processor (2.4) and the same board the problem does not occur.

After reboot everything is ok again. I use chameleon 1.011 on both machines. Maybe when Leo resume from sleep the 45nm CPU or fsb is not properly detected, but i have no clock drift or sound issues ...


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