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FINAL CUT PRO 5.0.1 - Error on Starting


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I'm pretty sure FCP doesn't work on the x86/Intel architecture no matter how you set your system up. ie. it even won't work on a MacIntel. You'll have to wait till ver6 before it'll have universal binary support.


But I'm not too clear on this. There might be hope...

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I'm pretty sure FCP doesn't work on the x86/Intel architecture no matter how you set your system up. ie. it even won't work on a MacIntel. You'll have to wait till ver6 before it'll have universal binary support.


But I'm not too clear on this. There might be hope...


Um yeah, you're wrong in fact.

Check out our forum here:



Your system needs to have QE and CI in order to function under FCP, unless you remove the check. We have all the directions on our forum.

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I looked and the topic is not clear. Some say that is nor recommended to desable the check and on the other side I could not find a way how to enable QE and CI (Quartz Extreme and Core Image - took me long time even to find out what tha hack QE and CI means)

I don't understand why not sombody make like a script and a simple instruction to run tha damn thing and enable this stuff without playing programmer through terminals, unix instructions, keys, buffers ....


After 3 days and manu many many mac x86 installs ALL FOR final cut pro to be able to edit the damn DVCPRO HD format I'm down.

I don't know why it crashes:


- ACL850 AC97 sound ?

- ProKit.Framework ? (I download it and can't copy over the old one because is askin me for ANOTHER username and password NOT ENOUGH PRIVIELEGES )

- and/or ofcourse CI QE thing


If anybody really knows can pls take a look at the error log posted above and let me know.



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I looked and the topic is not clear. Some say that is nor recommended to desable the check and on the other side I could not find a way how to enable QE and CI (Quartz Extreme and Core Image - took me long time even to find out what tha hack QE and CI means)

I don't understand why not sombody make like a script and a simple instruction to run tha damn thing and enable this stuff without playing programmer through terminals, unix instructions, keys, buffers ....


After 3 days and manu many many mac x86 installs ALL FOR final cut pro to be able to edit the damn DVCPRO HD format I'm down.

I don't know why it crashes:


- ACL850 AC97 sound ?

- ProKit.Framework ? (I download it and can't copy over the old one because is askin me for ANOTHER username and password NOT ENOUGH PRIVIELEGES )

- and/or ofcourse CI QE thing


If anybody really knows can pls take a look at the error log posted above and let me know.




Move the Prokit to the trashcan, and then move the new one in and repair privelages :dev: Give that a shot... Have you tried it in Safe mode???

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from the crash log he's trying to run the ppc version not the new 5.1


I solved X2 shuttering problem:



Succesfully updated to Final Cut pro 5.1 but chashes with:


Configuration error

This software requires certain hardware or software which is missing.

• Quartz Extreme Support.


(passing the QE check also crash so QE is imperative)



How can I enable QE?


Using MACVIDIA beta 5 kext now. My card:

Chipset Model: GeForce FX 5700

Type: Display

Bus: PCI

VRAM (Total): 128 MB

Vendor: nVIDIA (0x10de)

Device ID: 0x0342

Revision ID: 0x00a1



Resolution: 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz

Depth: 32-bit Color

Core Image: Not Supported

Main Display: Yes

Mirror: Off

Online: Yes

Quartz Extreme: Not Supported


more info about my card from windows:

Chip type: GeForce FX 5700

DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC

Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0342&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_A1

Display Memory: 128.0 MB

Current Mode: 1280 x 1024 (32 bit) (72Hz)

DDI Version: 9 (or higher)

Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-4002-11CF-B643-0A2000C2CB35}

Vendor ID: 0x10DE

Device ID: 0x0342

SubSys ID: 0x00000000

Revision ID: 0x00A1

Revision ID: 0x00A1

Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_B ModeMPEG2_C ModeMPEG2_D

DDraw Status: Enabled

D3D Status: Enabled

AGP Status: Enabled


Thank you.

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Have you tried it in Safe mode???


Having problems with QE, pls see my previous post.

Can I start Final Cut in safe mode?


P.S. KC you were great great help. Thank you for your time spend helping on forums.


attached the full error after deleting these lines:




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  • 4 years later...

hi this is manoj....im using osx86 10.5.3..when i lauched FCP it is crashing with this messenge ( the application final cut pro quit unexpectedly.)



if u have any idea about this error


Please help me guys..


sorry for my poor english...i thought i will understand :P

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