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Budget macintosh

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i had bad experiences wiv asrock, i've an asus, it does its work well

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The hardware I have listed in my sig works 100% (you don't really need the USB sound card - my onboard sound chip has some bad static problem, so I disabled it). You could even go with a cheaper Celeron, but this model has pretty much all of the features needed. The DVD drive I used is what comes in a PowerMac currently, so it works 100% without PatchBurn.

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Owwww :( Right after I do 2hours research! lol




Intel 915G Express Chipset

Intel 915GV Express Chipset

Intel 910GL Express Chipset


These support mac pretty much from the word go apparently (According to http://www.osx86.theplaceforitall.com/howto/).


A list of Intel Chipsets with the fully supported GMA900 - http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/gma900/index.htm


A list of Intel Boards with the different chipsets - http://www.intel.com/products/motherboard/index.htm


Look at the boards in comparision using - http://www.intel.com/design/chipsets/linecard_perfmain.pdf

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