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Trying to port a game throught Cider


7 posts in this topic

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Hello !


I'm trying to find a ay to poast an old game (A-10 Cuba) wich is an abandonware.

I successfully play on it via Crossover games, but when I try to start via my Cider Application, I get the following errors:

/Users/bledieu/Desktop/Battlefield\ 1942.app/Contents/MacOS/cider

err:font:ReadFontDir Can't open directory "/Users/bledieu/Desktop/A10 Cuba.app/Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_dri"...

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 2

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 2

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

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First, Thanks you for your help man !


No, I've got the splash screen, and nothing more.

I've try to try another Cider Version (From Command and Conquer 3), Here is the terminal output:


$ /Users/bledieu/Desktop/GTA2.app/Contents/MacOS/cider_ shm_path: /Users_bledieu_Library_Prefere

wine: Unhandled exception, starting debugger...

err:seh:start_debugger Couldn't start debugger ("winedbg -- --auto 1 168") (2)

Read the Wine Developers Guide on how to set up winedbg or another debugger



And I've got this error message:



Is there a way to install windbg on OS X ?

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;; All keys relative to \\Machine\\Software\\Wine\\Wine\\Config


;; MS-DOS drives configuration


;; Each section has the following format:

;; [Drive X]

;; "Path"="xxx" (Unix path for drive root)

;; "Type"="xxx" (supported types are 'floppy', 'hd', 'cdrom' and 'network')

;; "Label"="xxx" (drive label, at most 11 characters)

;; "Serial"="xxx" (serial number, 8 characters hexadecimal number)

;; "Filesystem"="xxx" (supported types are 'msdos'/'dos'/'fat', 'win95'/'vfat', 'unix')

;; This is the FS Wine is supposed to emulate on a certain

;; directory structure.

;; Recommended:

;; - "win95" for ext2fs, VFAT and FAT32

;; - "msdos" for FAT16 (ugly, upgrading to VFAT driver strongly recommended)

;; DON'T use "unix" unless you intend to port programs using Winelib !

;; "Device"="/dev/xx" (only if you want to allow raw device access)



[Drive C]

"Path" = "@BUNDLEPATHRESOURCE@/transgaming/c_drive"

"Type" = "hd"

"Label" = "Dos Drive"

"Filesystem" = "win95"


[Drive D]

"Path" = "${HOME}"

"Type" = "hd"

"Label" = "My Home"

"Filesystem" = "win95"


[Drive E]

"Path" = "/tmp"

"Type" = "hd"

"Label" = "tmp"

"Filesystem" = "win95"


[Drive F]

"path" = "@BUNDLEPATHRESOURCE@/transgaming/f_drive"

"Type" = "cdrom"

"Label" = "cdrom"

"Filesystem" = "win95"


[Drive G]

"Path" = "/"

"Type" = "hd"

"Label" = "root"

"Filesystem" = "win95"


[Drive P]

"Path" = "@USERPREFS@/p_drive"

"Type" = "hd"

"Label" = "Dos Drive 2"

"Filesystem" = "win95"



"Windows" = "c:\\windows"

"System" = "c:\\windows\\system32\\"

"Temp" = "e:\\"

"Path" = "c:\\windows\\;c:\\windows\\system32\\"

"GraphicsDriver" = "sdldrv"

"ShellLinker" = "/usr/lib/transgaming_cedega/winex/bin/wineshelllink"

"MozillaControl" = "Y"

"Browser" = ""



;Set to "Y" to enable printing support.

"Printer" = "N"


# <wineconf>


"DefaultLoadOrder" = "native, builtin, so"



"commdlg" = "builtin, native"

"comdlg32" = "builtin, native"

"oleaut32" = "builtin, native"

"ver" = "builtin, native"

"version" = "builtin, native"

"shell" = "builtin, native"

"shell32" = "builtin, native"

"shfolder" = "builtin, native"

"shlwapi" = "builtin, native"

"lzexpand" = "builtin, native"

"lz32" = "builtin, native"

"comctl32" = "builtin, native"

"commctrl" = "builtin, native"

"advapi32" = "builtin, native"

"crtdll" = "builtin, native"

"mpr" = "builtin, native"

"winspool.drv" = "builtin, native"

"d3d8" = "builtin, native"

"d3d9" = "builtin, native"

"d3drm" = "builtin, native"

"ddraw" = "builtin, native"

"dinput" = "builtin, native"

"dinput8" = "builtin, native"

"dmusic" = "builtin, native"

"dsound" = "builtin, native"

"opengl32" = "builtin, native"

"msvcrt" = "native, builtin"

"rpcrt4" = "native, builtin"

"msvideo" = "builtin, native"

"msvfw32" = "builtin, native"

"quartz" = "builtin, native"

"mcicda.drv" = "builtin, native"

"mciseq.drv" = "builtin, native"

"mciwave.drv" = "builtin, native"

"mciavi.drv" = "native, builtin"

"mcianim.drv" = "native, builtin"

"msacm.drv" = "builtin, native"

"msacm" = "builtin, native"

"msacm32" = "builtin, native"

"midimap.drv" = "builtin, native"

"psapi" = "builtin, native"

"wininet" = "builtin, native"

"dbghelp" = "native, builtin"



"Windows" = "winxp"

"Cedega" = "tovik-22"


; DOS version to imitate

;"DOS" = "6.22"


"PthreadsValue" = "default"



"renice_wineserver" = "N"

"working_directory" = ""

"alsa_radio" = "Y"

"oss_radio" = "N"

"scheduler_value" = "No"



"ScreenDepth" = "32"

"Desktop" = "N"

"Enable3D" = "1"

"ShowFPS" = "0"

"DisplaySettingsDialog" = "0"



"AllocSystemColors" = "100"

"CopyDefaultColors" = "0"

"PrivateColorMap" = "N"

"PerfectGraphics" = "N"

"Managed" = "Y"

"Desktop" = "No"

"UseDGA" = "N"

"UseXShm" = "Y"

"DXGrab" = "Y"

"UseXVidMode" = "Y"

"UseXRandR" = "N"

"DesktopDoubleBuffered" = "Y"

"TextCP" = "0"

"ShowFPS" = "Y"

"ShowMem" = "N"

"VideoRam" = "256"

"AGPVertexRam" = "128"

"NV_VAR" = "Y"

"ARB_VBO" = "Y"



"AnisotropicTextureFiltering" = "Y"

"VertexShaders" = "Y"

"PixelShaders" = "Y"

"PixelShadersLevel" = "2.0"

"ClipSpaceFix" = "Y"

"FragmentOffset" = "Auto"

"FixedProgram" = "Auto"

"RectangleTextures" = "Auto"

"DynamicVBO" = "N"

"IndexVBO" = "N"

"FBO" = "Y"

"GLSL" = "M"

"VertexShadersLevel" = "2.0"

"FloatTextures" = "Y"

"OcclusionQueries" = "Y"

;"Provides full compliance with native vertex shaders 'mova' command (Yes/No)

"ForceMOVACompliance" = "N"



"FixedGLExtensionBuffer" = "N"

"GLExtensionBuffer" = ""



; dead zone for joystick input from 0 to 10000. 1000 is 10% of range.

"DefaultDeadZone" = "1000"

"AbsoluteMouseSensitivity" = "1"


;; Configuration of the function of joystick axes

;; The joystick name and axis functions can be determined with jstest.

;; The available axis types are:

;; "none", "X", "Y", "Z", "RX", "RY", "RZ",

;; "slider", "hat", "POV", and "ball"

;; "hat" and "POV" are synonymous. Hats use two axes.


"Resolution" = "96"

"Default" = "-adobe-times-"

"FreeType" = "Y"



"Pattern0" = "-adobe-times*"

"Pattern1" = "-adobe-helvetica*"

"Pattern2" = "-adobe-courier*"

"Pattern3" = "-misc-fixed*"




"MS Serif" = "Times New Roman"

"Helv" = "Arial"

"MS Sans Serif" = "Arial"

"System" = "Arial"

"Tahoma" = "Arial"



;; Mono Space Fonts

;"Courier New"="Courier"


;; Disable the virtual memory manager (enabled by default)

; "MemoryManager" = "N"


"Com1" = "/dev/ttyS0"

"Com2" = "/dev/ttyS1"

"Com3" = "/dev/ttyS2"

"Com4" = "/dev/modem"



"Lpt1" = "/dev/lp0"



"LPT1:" = "|lpr"

"LPT2:" = "|gs -sDEVICE=bj200 -sOutputFile=/tmp/fred -q -"

"LPT3:" = "/dev/lp3"


;"read" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"

; "write" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"


"Exclude" = "WM_SIZE;WM_TIMER;"



"LoadGlobalRegistryFiles" = "n"

"LoadHomeRegistryFiles" = "Y"

"LoadWindowsRegistryFiles" = "n"

"WritetoHomeRegistryFiles" = "Y"

"SaveOnlyUpdatedKeys" = "Y"



"WineLook" = "Win98"



"Drivers" = "xterm"

"XtermProg" = "konsole"


;"InitialRows" = "25"

;"InitialColumns" = "80"

;"TerminalType" = "nxterm"


"ClearAllSelections" = "0"

"PersistentSelection" = "1"


; List of all directories directly contain .AFM files

;"1" = "/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts"

;"2" = "/usr/share/a2ps/afm"

;"3" = "/usr/share/enscript"

;"4" = "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"


"SHMWineserver" = "Y"

"Scheduler" = "N"


;;"Scheduler" = "Y"


"Drivers" = "winemacca.drv"

"WaveMapper" = "msacm.drv"

"MidiMapper" = "midimap.drv"



"UseMMap" = "Y"

"FullDuplex" = "Y"

"dsp0" = "/dev/dsp"

"mixer0" = "/dev/mixer"



"UseMMap" = "Y"

"pcm0" = "hw"

"ctl0" = "hw"

"FullDuplex" = "N"


;; App default settings

;; Ereg


"Disable" = "Y"

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OK, i've try to use the COH cider sources, then I've got this:



Last login: Tue Feb 17 14:09:13 on ttys000

EG-BLEDIEU:~ bledieu$ /Users/bledieu/Desktop/City\ of\ Heroes.app/Contents/MacOS/cider

Could not stat /Users/bledieu/Desktop/City of Heroes.app/Contents/Resources/transgaming/f_drive (No such file or directory), ignoring drive F:

fixme:profile:PROFILE_Open no encoding specified for L"/Users/bledieu/Library/Preferences/City of Heroes Training Room Preferences/win."... - defaulting to ASCII

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13fca8, 0x140160, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e680, 0x13e6c8, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13fca8, 0x140da0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e680, 0x141db0, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13fca8, 0x140160, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e680, 0x13e6c8, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13fca8, 0x140da0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e680, 0x141db0, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141258, 0x141710, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e680, 0x13e6c8, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141258, 0x142350, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e680, 0x143360, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e6c0, 0x1416c8, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141ad8, 0x13e708, 32): semistub

fixme:gdi_sdldrv:SDLDRV_blitSurface2 unimplemented blit function! {type = SDLDRV_BLIT_STRETCH (1), op = SDLDRV_BLIT_OP_SRCCOPY (0), converting SDLDRV_BLIT_1_BIT (1) to SDLDRV_BLIT_1_BIT (1)}

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_StretchBlt {0x141b00, 0, 0, 32, 32, 0x141d38, 0, 0, 16, 16, SRCCOPY (cc0020)}: stub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e6c0, 0x142de8, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141cf0, 0x1416c8, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e6c0, 0x1416e0, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x142160, 0x1421a8, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e6c0, 0x142da0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1416e0, 0x141728, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e6c0, 0x142160, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141718, 0x141760, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e6c0, 0x142da0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141718, 0x141760, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e6c0, 0x142160, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141750, 0x141798, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e6c0, 0x142da0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141750, 0x141798, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e6c0, 0x143680, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1417d8, 0x141820, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e6c0, 0x1442c0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1417d8, 0x141820, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1417d8, 0x143680, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141820, 0x141868, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1417d8, 0x1442c0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141820, 0x141868, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141810, 0x143680, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141858, 0x1418a0, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141810, 0x1442c0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141858, 0x1418a0, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141848, 0x143680, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141890, 0x1418d8, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141848, 0x1442c0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141890, 0x1418d8, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141880, 0x143680, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1418c8, 0x141910, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141880, 0x1442c0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1418c8, 0x141910, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1418b8, 0x143680, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141900, 0x141948, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1418b8, 0x1442c0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141900, 0x141948, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1418f0, 0x143680, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141938, 0x141980, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1418f0, 0x1442c0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141938, 0x141980, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141978, 0x144ba0, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1419c0, 0x141a08, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141978, 0x1457e0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1419c0, 0x141a08, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1419b0, 0x144ba0, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1419f8, 0x141a40, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1419b0, 0x1457e0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1419f8, 0x141a40, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1419e8, 0x144ba0, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141a30, 0x141a78, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1419e8, 0x1457e0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141a30, 0x1467f0, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144730, 0x144be8, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141a20, 0x141a68, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144730, 0x145828, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141a20, 0x141a68, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141a58, 0x144c30, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141aa0, 0x144730, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141a58, 0x145870, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141aa0, 0x144730, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141a90, 0x144c60, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144730, 0x144778, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x141a90, 0x1458a0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144730, 0x1468b0, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144730, 0x144ca8, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144778, 0x141ac8, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144730, 0x1458e8, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144778, 0x1468f8, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144730, 0x144ca8, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144778, 0x1447c0, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144730, 0x1458e8, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144778, 0x1468f8, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144768, 0x144ce0, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1447b0, 0x1447f8, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144768, 0x145920, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1447b0, 0x146930, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1447a0, 0x144d18, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1447e8, 0x144830, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1447a0, 0x145958, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1447e8, 0x146968, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1447d8, 0x144d50, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144820, 0x144868, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1447d8, 0x145990, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144820, 0x1469a0, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144810, 0x144d88, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144858, 0x1448a0, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144810, 0x1459c8, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144858, 0x1469d8, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144848, 0x144dc0, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144890, 0x1448d8, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144848, 0x145a00, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144890, 0x146a10, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144880, 0x144df8, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1448c8, 0x144910, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144880, 0x145a38, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1448c8, 0x146a48, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1448b8, 0x144e30, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144900, 0x144948, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1448b8, 0x145a70, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144900, 0x146a80, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1448f0, 0x144e68, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144938, 0x144980, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1448f0, 0x145aa8, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144938, 0x146ab8, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144928, 0x144ea0, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144970, 0x1449b8, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144928, 0x145ae0, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144970, 0x146af0, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144960, 0x144ed8, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1449a8, 0x1449f0, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144960, 0x145b18, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1449a8, 0x146b28, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144998, 0x144f10, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1449e0, 0x144a28, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x144998, 0x146828, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1449e0, 0x1393e8, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e520, 0x146828, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x145458, 0x1454a0, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e520, 0x1478d8, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1393e8, 0x139430, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e520, 0x146828, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x145490, 0x1454d8, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e520, 0x1478d8, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1393e8, 0x139430, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e520, 0x146828, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1454c8, 0x145510, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e520, 0x1478d8, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1393e8, 0x139430, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e520, 0x146828, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x145500, 0x145548, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e520, 0x1478d8, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1393e8, 0x139430, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e520, 0x146828, 1024): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x145538, 0x145580, 32): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x13e520, 0x1478d8, 4096): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_SetBitmapBits (0x1393e8, 0x139430, 128): semistub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_SDLGL_ContextDestroy time to kill master context 0x148bf8 (ctx 0x71076e00)

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 3

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (102ab): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (102a1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10297): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1028d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10283): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10279): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1026f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10265): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1025b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10251): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10247): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1023d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10233): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10229): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1021f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10215): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1020b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10201): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (101f7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (101ed): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (101e3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (101d9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (101cf): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (101c5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (101bb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (101b1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (101a7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1019d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10193): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10189): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1017f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10175): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1016b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10161): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10157): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1014d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10143): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10139): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1012f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10125): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1011b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10111): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10107): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (100fd): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (100f3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (100e9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (100df): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (100d5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (100cb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (100c1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (100b7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (100ad): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (100a3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10099): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1008f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10085): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1007b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10071): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10067): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1005d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10053): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10049): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1003f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10035): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (1002b): stub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (202ab): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (202a1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20297): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2028d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20283): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20279): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2026f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20265): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2025b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20251): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20247): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2023d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20233): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20229): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2021f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20215): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2020b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20201): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (201f7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (201ed): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (201e3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (201d9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (201cf): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (201c5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (201bb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (201b1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (201a7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2019d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20193): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20189): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2017f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20175): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2016b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20161): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20157): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2014d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20143): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20139): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2012f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20125): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2011b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20111): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20107): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (200fd): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (200f3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (200e9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (200df): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (200d5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (200cb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (200c1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (200b7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 5

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (200ad): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (200a3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20099): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2008f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20085): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2007b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20071): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20067): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2005d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20053): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20049): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2003f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20035): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (2002b): stub

fixme:win:SetWindowTextA cannot set text "0" of other process window 0

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (10021): stub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (302ab): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (302a1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30297): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3028d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30283): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30279): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3026f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30265): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3025b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30251): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30247): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3023d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30233): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30229): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3021f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30215): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3020b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30201): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (301f7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (301ed): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (301e3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (301d9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (301cf): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (301c5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (301bb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (301b1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (301a7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3019d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30193): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30189): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3017f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30175): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3016b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30161): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30157): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3014d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30143): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30139): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3012f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30125): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3011b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30111): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30107): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (300fd): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (300f3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (300e9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (300df): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (300d5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (300cb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (300c1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (300b7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (300ad): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (300a3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30099): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3008f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30085): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3007b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30071): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30067): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3005d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30053): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30049): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3003f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30035): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (3002b): stub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (402ab): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (402a1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40297): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4028d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40283): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40279): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4026f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40265): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4025b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40251): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40247): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4023d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40233): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40229): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4021f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40215): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4020b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40201): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (401f7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (401ed): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (401e3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (401d9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (401cf): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (401c5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (401bb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (401b1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (401a7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4019d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40193): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40189): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4017f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40175): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4016b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40161): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40157): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4014d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40143): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40139): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4012f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40125): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4011b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40111): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40107): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (400fd): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (400f3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (400e9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (400df): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (400d5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (400cb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 7

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (400c1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (400b7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (400ad): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (400a3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40099): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4008f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40085): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4007b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40071): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40067): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4005d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40053): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40049): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4003f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (40035): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (4002b): stub

fixme:win:SetWindowTextA cannot set text "0" of other process window 0

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (20021): stub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (502ab): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (502a1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50297): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5028d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50283): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50279): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5026f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50265): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5025b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50251): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50247): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5023d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50233): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50229): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5021f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50215): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5020b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50201): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (501f7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (501ed): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (501e3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (501d9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (501cf): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (501c5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (501bb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (501b1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (501a7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5019d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50193): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50189): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5017f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50175): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5016b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50161): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50157): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5014d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50143): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50139): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 6

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5012f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50125): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5011b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50111): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50107): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (500fd): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (500f3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (500e9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (500df): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (500d5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (500cb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (500c1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (500b7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (500ad): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (500a3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50099): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5008f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50085): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5007b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50071): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50067): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5005d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50053): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50049): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5003f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (50035): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (5002b): stub

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (602ab): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (602a1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60297): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6028d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60283): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60279): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6026f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60265): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6025b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60251): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60247): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6023d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60233): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60229): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6021f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60215): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6020b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60201): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (601f7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (601ed): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (601e3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (601d9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (601cf): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (601c5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (601bb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (601b1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (601a7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6019d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60193): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60189): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6017f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60175): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6016b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60161): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60157): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6014d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60143): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60139): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6012f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60125): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6011b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60111): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60107): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (600fd): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (600f3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (600e9): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (600df): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (600d5): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (600cb): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (600c1): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (600b7): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (600ad): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (600a3): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60099): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6008f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60085): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6007b): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60071): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60067): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6005d): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60053): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60049): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6003f): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (60035): stub

err:task:GetThreadQueue16 Breaking 16 bit for tid 8

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (6002b): stub

fixme:win:SetWindowTextA cannot set text "0" of other process window 0

fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DestroyWindow (30021): stub

EG-BLEDIEU:~ bledieu$



Any idea ?

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Next time, could you attach the debug info as a text file? Or host it somewhere as a text file? Or just cut out whats repeated but say its repeated ;)


The "fixme:sdldrv:SDLDRV_DC_PatBlt Something is wrong - where is the surface I am supposed to draw to?" error you see is a problem that various games give with cider, as far as I know there is no way around it, that game wont work with cider (at least the current version).




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