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Hi all,


I got a new computer, Dell Vostro 420 Desktop.

Its specs are:


Intel Core 2 Quad CPU @ 2.66 GHz (SSE2, SSE3)

4096mb RAM


Intel Eaglelake Motherboard?


I'm not so sure about HDD's, so here it goes:

ST3500620AS ATA Device (A Seagate HDD, at 500GB)

and theres ATA Channel 1-5, Intel ICH10 Fammily 6 port SATA AHCI Controller - 3A22, and theres ATDF4DSZ IDE Controller, JMicron JMB36X controller and microsoft iSCSI Initiator.


Also, I have a NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT and 512mb ram fot that.




I would like to Install a form of OS X onto the machine. I tried booting off:


iDeneb 1.3

iATKOS 4.1i

and Kalyway 10.5.2.


All of them do not boot up. :) I have Kalyway on my laptop which runs fine.

Could someone please help me with this? Thanksss! :D

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  • 1 month later...

use ideneb 1.4 or ipc 10.5.6.


ideneb 1.4 dvd works without any prompt command.


ipc 10.5.6 requires cpus=1 -f at start up.


after install, you must use "cpus=1 -f" or install the CPUS=1 Fix.


i am still trying to figure out how to get all cores to work.



What is wrong with all of you? I'm kindly asking a question and I get BLANKED! God I love this community............
  • 2 weeks later...

Did you get your Vostro 420 to work ?


I've tried iatkos 5, iPC 10.5.6 but neither get to boot the install disk.


iDeneb v1.3 installs but during boot I get stuck on ...........buffer headers and 4096 cluster io buffer headers


Let me know please how did you get it done , if you eved done it.


use ideneb 1.4 or ipc 10.5.6.


ideneb 1.4 dvd works without any prompt command.


ipc 10.5.6 requires cpus=1 -f at start up.


after install, you must use "cpus=1 -f" or install the CPUS=1 Fix.


i am still trying to figure out how to get all cores to work.


Did you get your Vostro 420 to work ?


I've tried iatkos 5, iPC 10.5.6 but neither get to boot the install disk.


iDeneb v1.3 installs but during boot I get stuck on ...........buffer headers and 4096 cluster io buffer headers


Let me know please how did you get it done , if you eved done it.


use ideneb 1.4 or ipc 10.5.6.


ideneb 1.4 dvd works without any prompt command.


ipc 10.5.6 requires cpus=1 -f at start up.


after install, you must use "cpus=1 -f" or install the CPUS=1 Fix.


i am still trying to figure out how to get all cores to work.

I'm trying clean install, no extra stuff, I see only patches for ICH9 and on the Vostro 420 the board has a ICH10.

My video is an ATI 3450 and that I can make it work after I get it up with basic graphics.



Managed to get hold of ideneb 4 today...

Trying to install now :hysterical: thanks for suggestions




What options did you select at the install? I selected the basics but I dont expect it to work :s

  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone successfully installed OSX on the Vostro 420.


I am able to install the OS with cpus=1 -f using IatKoS 7 but fail out with :


MAC Framework successfully initialized

using 5242 buffer headers and 4096 cluster ID buffer headers

i've been reading and it looks like i have to replace AppleACPCIPlatform.kext and IOACPCIFamily.kext. but i haven't the slightest clue on how to do this.

Ok i have finally installed OSX on my Vostro 420 using JAS 10.5.4

here's the verdict:


Video: ATI HD 3650 fully working with QE

Audio: (currently not working) Realtek High Def. Audio

Processor: Intel core 2 Quad Q9400 2.66 ghz (only seeing 1 core, must start with "cpus=1")


if anyone knows what audio KEXT i should try please help.. haha other than that systems been running flawless. shutdown sleep ect..

  • 2 weeks later...

icyoli, i will put the CD in my computer later on tonight and do screen shots of all the customizations i did to complete the install.



hey lynchmobs

ehich options (kernel, kexts, etc) did you choose the the Customise page of JAS 10.5.4 install?

I got hold of JAS 10.5.4 today and tried install but i don't think it installed a kernel.


  • 6 months later...

Hello everybody :)


Digging this post out. Having a Vostro 420 here, which consistently hangs under WinXP when the boss uses it.

However, it does NOT hang when *I* use it, so I am eying it ;)

It has a nice Quad-Core and 4GB RAM, and if only I could put OSX on it, I'd be real happy! I could then install some Windoze under virtualization for the required apps, and get rid of virus fears and Windows auto-degradation.


However, the machine seems about totally unfriendly with OSX, and I found only two posts with people claiming a successful install.


I just tried another method (Iatkos v7) than the one mentioned here, as I am still getting JAS 10.5.4 via torrent.


First GREAT POSITIVE point: the install does work and the Vostro 420 does work after reboot :)

But with a BIG NEGATIVE point: only one core working and needs to enter cpus=1 at each boot :D


Anyway, this is a starting point. And in between, I studied all the possible avenues, and dug the DSDT stuff.

Clearly, the Vostro 420 has the infamous stuff:

Scope (_PR)


Processor (P001, 0x01, 0x00000810, 0x06) {}

Alias (P001, CPU1)

Processor (P002, 0x02, 0x00000000, 0x00) {}

Alias (P002, CPU2)

Processor (P003, 0x03, 0x00000000, 0x00) {}

Alias (P003, CPU3)

Processor (P004, 0x04, 0x00000000, 0x00) {}

Alias (P004, CPU4)

Which is known to hang the boot process.


So I checked the disk after the successful install, and it had a DSDT... fixed, but only partially:

Processor (P001, 0x01, 0x00000810, 0x06) {}

Processor (P002, 0x02, 0x00000000, 0x00) {}

Alias (P002, CPU2)

Processor (P003, 0x03, 0x00000000, 0x00) {}

Processor (P004, 0x04, 0x00000000, 0x00) {}

Alias (P004, CPU4


So I opened it with the excellent DSDTSE, removed the two "Alias...." lines (compiled and reinstalled the DSDT) and rebooted...


BINGO!! ALL four cores working :D


Going to work some more on it, as some parts does not seem to work fully, but it is a GREAT start!


Thanks everybody :)



Just adding that the sound is working from scratch (VooDooHDA driver).

Built-in Intel video works, but limited in resolution. Shall have to put some better card.

  • 2 weeks later...

Well, the process seems reliable, so I am going to post the details.

I had planned to add a guide in the OSx86 Wiki, but this seems a bit tricky.


The process is reliable, but NOT straightforward. Maybe someone else will find a way to make it simpler.


Trouble with the Vostro420 is one MUST patch the DSDT, or the OS won't boot (or only with one core...).


First things first, the hardware description:

Dell Vostro 420

Mobo Foxconn G45 (http://xps-dell.com/files/vo420m_001.jpg)

CPU Intel Core Quad Q9400 @2.67GHz

Bus 1.33GHz


(the mobo is virtually the same for the Vostro 220, so the same trick should work)


I found ONE distro installing and rebooting (with cpus=1): iAtkos v7.

However it has some flaws with non-English languages and can't be updated to 10.5.8

iDeneb 10.5.8 Lite does install but won't boot unless given the right DSDT.

So here is the trick I used:


-Launch iAtkos v7 and make two partitions on the HD

-Install iAtkos on one (details later)

-Boot with cpus=1

-Patch the DSDT

-Launch iDeneb 10.5.8 Lite and install on the second partition

-Boot the iAtkos partition and copy its DSDT to the iDeneb partition.

-Boot and work on the iDeneb partition :P


When this is done, you can launch again iDeneb and install it on the iAtkos partition, this time with Chameleon2 (which won't work with iAtkos). Boot again on the other iDeneb partition and copy the DSDT.

As you understand, the trouble comes from that DSDT... iAtkos generates one which allows the Vostro420 to boot (with one core), when iDeneb won't.

I am providing you with the DSDT, so if you have a way to write it to the disk after the installation, you can skip the iAtkos phase and use just iDeneb.


+++++++Short procedure, with iDeneb and the DSDT+++++++

Insert the iDeneb 10.5.8 Lite DVD and boot. (should not need to add cpus=1, but on the first try, launch boot the DVD with -v option).

Proceed as usual, formatting the HD in GUID mode, MacOSX journaled.

Select the following options (most are the default):


-Chameleon 2


-no selection

iDeneb x86 Essential Patches:


>AppleSMBIOS Drivers

>>AppleSMBIOS Patched

---AppleSMBIOS 800 MHz


-DSDT Patcher

-TimeMachine Fix


>PS/2 Drivers

--no selection

-AboutThisMac Fix

-SystemProfiler Fix


--no selection





---ICHx Fixed

---JMicronATA (should activate the eSATA connector, but I have nothing to try)





>>System Management

---no selection


---Intel (all) (built-in will work 1024x768 only, no QE support)


-at your choice


When done, DO NOT reboot, it won't work at all, even with cpus=1. You must copy the DSDT dsdt.zip to the root of the HD.

You can move the HD to another computer with OSX or Linux (may work with Windows, not tested) and copy the file.

Or boot on the same computer with another OS on another disk or partition.


When the DSDT is copied, you can boot directly and everything works :)


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