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Hi folks,


I finally got OS X 10.5.5 on my 1000H to work. With the hints at http://ipis-osx.wikidot.com/forum/t-105200...oot#post-330452 with the darwin950 kexts instead of the original ones (AppleIntelGMA950.kext caused blue screen) everythings works just perfects - beside sleep mode.


I installed all kexts as shown here, but when trying to enter sleepmode by closing the 1000h or clicking on it in the Menu the mouse pointer disappears and the whole thing freezes. Switching off by holding the power button for several seconds is the only way to reboot.


Any ideas how to get sleep mode working?


Thanks so far,



Good freakin luck. Sleep is the most difficult thing to do on a hackintosh. We had a team of like 50 people working on it on the Dell Mini9, and it still took us 3 months to pull it off, and even then, it was solved by one guy who had a hunch, and some very elite programming skills.

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