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Alright. I have an Intel Mac pro, (older dual cpu, core duo Zeon 2ghz).


It is almost compleatly silent. in fact, the slight buzz from the power supply is the loudest noise it makes.


I attribute the fact that it can be silent, while still keeping the CPU's at 28C to the fans it has. They are obviously different from the normal 120mm fans everyone else uses.

Very thick, so they don't have to turn as fast to move as much airflow.



But my question is, who makes these fans, and where can I get some? I'd love to have a bunch to use on my PC, and make it just as silent! I don't want to take my Mac pro apart just to look at the back of the fans, but all the pictures I've found on the net, most don't even care about the fans at all, if they even have a picture of them.

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