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Help me save my data from my dead Mac OS X 10.4.8 installation, please.


Suddenly, three weeks ago, my Mac OS X installation died and I lack the skills to bring it back to life.


I can read from and write to its volume, however when I try to boot it, it fails to boot. I have described exactly what happens in this topic.


I have given up on reviving my installation and I would like to ask you to help me save my Bookmarks from Safari and Firefox.


I would also like to ask you to help me save my Mail settings and messages.


Help me save my data, please.

Do you have a second computer with OSX to work with?

You can boot your install cd and use terminal to copy the files to a thumb drive. Just google osx terminal commands and you should be set.



You can pull your mail from /Users/yourusername/Library/Mail Just copy the entire folder. You can also get your mail preferences which are stored in com.apple.mail.plist in /Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences/.



Bookmarks for safari are stored in Bookmarks.plist located in /Users/yourusername/Library/Safari/



Bookmarks for firefox are located in /Users/yourusername/Library/Application Support/ Not exactly sure which file.


Apple Mail messages are stored in individual files and you may be able to open them on a PC with thunderbird or outlook. For firefox check out the Foxmarks plugin. It syncs your bookmarks between multiple computers. It great.

OCM770 is correct and if that doesn't work then you can boot the install cd go to Disk Utility and find the UUID for the partition OSX is installed on. Then boot using the flag:




for example



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