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I'm using the INTEL/AMD SSE2/SSE3 Universal DVD to try and install on my machine. However, after showing the apple logo and spinny icon, I get a load of black text fly past then it becomes frozen. I took a picture of it (see attached). This is after its setup the RAM disks.


My machine is :


AMD64 3700+ (btw I was told this has SSE3, does it?)


ATI x1800XT






MSI RD480 Neo2-FI (Crossfire)




I've tried in safe mode (same thing) and single user mode (gets a command line that I can't use). When installing I also get a :


SAM Multimedia: read or write failed, ASC = 0x3e, ASCQ = 0x02


near the start.


Anyway, any help would be cool.


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I'm not sure if this is the same thing but I got an error when I tried installing. Asked around for help. Found out it was an I/O error. Was told to change DVD's, software, DVD burners etc. Changed DVD but did nothing then changed DBD burner to my old DVD player and it worked. Some people have mentioned something about updating firmware but from what I know about firmware, it's risky. Might mess your drive up.


Hope this helps. :(

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