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I'have MacOS 10.4.5. Patched by M***


Mine mouse USB Logitech does not work... has tried to put IOUSBFamily.kext V 10,4,3 but to reboot appears this error:

USBF: 20,153 AppleUSBOHCI[0x190100 ]:: Found to transiction whih hasn' t moved in 5 seconds on buses 35, timing out! 20,164 USBF [ 0x19cç00 ] The IOUSBFamily is having trouble enumerating to device USB that has been plugged in. It will keep retryng (Port 1 of HUB @ location: 0x23000000) Waitinf for remote debugger connection

Kdp_pool: debugger device

I have reboot in safe mode and I back to version 10,4,5 of IOUSBFamily and all it works.


How I must resolve the problem?


Excused for my English

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