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Hi, I'm doing a history major in England and I'm trying to become more computer literate along the way. A computer science friend of mine very kindly installed Mac OS X 10.4.1 onto my laptop (Compaq Presario V2000) for me with a dual boot.


I have since been playing around with the graphics in order to get my laptop to go to widescreen (1200x768x32) however, I've not been very successful. I have changed all of the AppleIntelxxx.kext files, changed the code to match my graphics card (intel inbuilt 855GM) and performed a -R root:wheel and -R755 upon them all. At the moment I only have the *830 not the *915 related files (i.e. *GA.plugin etc.) installed, and from what I have read I need to load Mac via windows in order for the graphics card to have access to the required memorary.


Thus, my question is, how do I boot into Mac from windows?


Thank you kindly for any assistance and I apologise for such a simple question and if I have placed it in the wrong forum.

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