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I get these messages in console when booting up, and i have no idea how they started


Nov  8 01:21:48 I-Mac-Pro kextd[10]: writing kernel link data to /var/run/mach.sym
Nov  8 01:22:24 I-Mac-Pro ReportCrash[182]: Formulating crash report for process kextload[181]
Nov  8 01:22:24 I-Mac-Pro kextd[10]: client exited without releasing kextload lock
Nov  8 01:22:24 I-Mac-Pro ReportCrash[182]: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter


Incicdentally, it doesnt happen in safe mode, which suggests its a kext problem, but i havent installed any new kexts recently

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