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Hi Guys,


I'm in trouble. Problems started when i tried to update from 10.5.4 to .5

I did however back up with time machine.

As i urgently needed a comp, i installed vista temporarily as lost my kalyway 10.5.1 installation disk and clean out the original install.

Please see signature for orginal installation.


So i downloaded iatkos 4i and i cannot boot up after i restore from time machine.

Comp just froze after trying to "verifying DMI pool data"


I search for answers here but to no avail, still am stuck at "verifying DMI pool data".

Even after i installed chameloen from the iatkos, thinking it was because i have no bootloader from the time machine restore.


The strange thing is i can restart straight after i restore from time machine thru iatkos dvd.


Is there a way to boot up without restoring from time machine cause i'm almost done with the kalyway download.

If there isnt, is there a way to take some files out from the HD thru terminal?

Is there a way to get to start up disk in sys pref to choose which HD to boot when the install dvd is in?


I have a secondary HD which cannot be touched as its my media library and a third HD is my time machine disk.


Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Cheers fellas.

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