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I have an ECS 945GCT-M/1333 motherboard running 10.5.5 via EFI, no patches installed currently. only via my EFI partition. I need to get audio working, there is a thread on the motherboard, but those steps don't work. I made my own codec dump using Ubuntu and it differs from the dump that was located in the thread about this motherboard. Any help would be appreciated. I have searched, tried all the patchers and everything, and I am at a loss on what to do. Thanks!


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  • 10 months later...
Anyone? Thanks!


Hi, i have the same board, my audio chipset DevID is 7682, VenID 8384, i also made the dump from ubuntu, run the AppleHDAPatcher 1.20, even as it recognises my sound card, the outputs only shows SPDIF, internal Speaker.


I think the final step should be to know how to redirect the outputs..

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