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hey evryone

i have a thinkpad R61i and also a macbook santa Rosa (3.1)

i try to install on my thinkpad leopard.

i start with the hard drive of the thinkpad mount in a firewire on my macbook

i install leopard dvd on my macbook on the firewire hard drive. when the movie start at the end of the instalation i switch off my macbook.

then i put back the hard drive in the thinkpad i start the computer with the CD of boot 123 i chose to boot on the hard drive but i have a kernel panik..

then i remove the hard drive put it on my macbook with firewire and i apply the 10.5.5 combo update without starting on this drive.

Now i don't have anymore kernel panik when i start my thinkpad i can start leopard only on Single User mode when i try to start it normaly i have a black screen when it starts the graphical for login...


I think i have trouble with my Nvidia quadro 140m..


if some one have an idea ..


if you want more informtion ask me.



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