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I will porting RA3 for MacOS X.


I use the spore-cider version. I become this failure:


30.10.08 17:45:03 tgUpdate[1077] tgUpdate:INIT (0x0)


30.10.08 17:45:03 tgUpdate[1077] tgUpd:init

30.10.08 17:45:06 tgUpdate[1077] Error 70000005

30.10.08 17:45:06 tgUpdate[1077] tgUpdate:DEALLOC (0x0)


30.10.08 17:45:06 tgUpdate[1077] Launching "/Users/Tim/Downloads/Cracking/Command and Conquer Alarmstufe Rot 3.app/Contents/MacOS/cider" -psn &

30.10.08 17:45:06 com.apple.launchd[77] ([0x0-0xca0ca].com.transgaming.spore[1077]) Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 1081 PPID 1 cider

30.10.08 17:45:06 com.apple.launchd[77] ([0x0-0xca0ca].com.transgaming.spore[1077]) Exited: Killed

30.10.08 17:45:06 [0x0-0xca0ca].com.transgaming.spore For language 'de' several language ids were found:

30.10.08 17:45:06 [0x0-0xca0ca].com.transgaming.spore de_DE - 0407; de_CH - 0807; de_AT - 0C07; de_LU - 1007; de_LI - 1407;

30.10.08 17:45:06 [0x0-0xca0ca].com.transgaming.spore Instead of using first in the list, suggest to define

30.10.08 17:45:06 [0x0-0xca0ca].com.transgaming.spore your LANG environment variable like this: LANG=de_DE


And here a picture:


Does anybody know, what i'm doing now?


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If you guys manage to make a good cider port verison of RA3, will you post a link to us so that we can download it? I have my own windows copy of the game (and my own serialkey), but i would prefer not to install windows just to play one game when it it possible to do it in OS X. :P


I dont know how to do this myself, and hope you guys can help me :)


tnx for any help :)

i managed to get in game with it, but unfortunantely the graphics are messed up and flickering. This game needs FBO to be enabled and it seems if you enable it, the game will crash. Disabling it will make the game works but it flickers so it's pretty much unplayable. Too bad cuz it seemed to run correctly, and the menu / cinematics work as good as on windows :(



I will porting RA3 for MacOS X.


I use the spore-cider version. I become this failure:

And here a picture:


Does anybody know, what i'm doing now?



I got something wrong with the regedit information.i use the regedit.app (which i think is only a cider of regedit.exe) to add the information but failed. When i open with red alert 3,it remind me of inserting the dvd


ok i think i get the same situation as yours


i managed to get in game with it, but unfortunantely the graphics are messed up and flickering. This game needs FBO to be enabled and it seems if you enable it, the game will crash. Disabling it will make the game works but it flickers so it's pretty much unplayable. Too bad cuz it seemed to run correctly, and the menu / cinematics work as good as on windows :rolleyes:



how can you managed to get the regedit information?


paste your Preferences :D



just install it on windows, export EA games to a reg file and edit it to paste it into user.reg from Cider, that's it.


Then delete libd3d_x35.dylib (or smthg like that), put the dll from from windows/system32. The game will now run but unplayable.

hi cyclonefr:

which cider version did you use? I have cider 1770, the spore edition. When i start the game, i become the failure, that i must instal a language pack


Did you edit anything in the system.reg ?


libd3dx9_35.dylib Do you meen this file? Thats a framework file from cider.

And which dlls did you meen?

just install it on windows, export EA games to a reg file and edit it to paste it into user.reg from Cider, that's it.


Then delete libd3d_x35.dylib (or smthg like that), put the dll from from windows/system32. The game will now run but unplayable.


would you please paste your user.reg here?



btw,do you have the latest direct 9.0 file

delete that dylib 35, and put the original dll from windows so it wont complain... DFE.dll isnt needed... it'll run but unplayable in game. I wont post anything because i deleted everything.


I got this somewhat running via Crossover Games, and know how to get past the language packs thing via cider...but via cider, it goes full screen, then quits. It seems to be complaining about dfe.dll/libdfe.


I have no idea what this is or why i wouldn't have it.

NO, I deleted it, please read.


No offense but if you can't inject registry infos to system.reg / user.reg, I doubt you will manage to get further then I did. The problems lies within Cider, there is NOTHING you can do anyway to play it with proper graphics.

system.reg optimazing for add to system.reg =] cider may be help somebody game installing to c:\Electronic Arts\Red Alert 3


[SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts]

[SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\EA Core]

[SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\EA Core\\Installed Games]

[SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\EA Core\\Installed Games\\cnc_red_alert3_eu]

[SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\Electronic Arts]

[SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\Electronic Arts\\Red Alert 3]
"CD Drive"="F:\\"
"DisplayName"="Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3"
"ProductName"="Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3"
"Folder"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Electronic Arts\\Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3\\"
"Install Dir"="C:\\Electronic Arts\\Red Alert 3\\"
"Installed From"="F:\\"
"Patch URL"="http://www.ea.com/redalert"
"Product GUID"="{296D8550-CB06-48E4-9A8B-E5034FB64715}"
"Suppression Exe"=""
"Registration"="Software\\Electronic Arts\\Electronic Arts\\Red Alert 3\\ergc"
"Readme"="C:\\Electronic Arts\\Red Alert 3\\Support\\readme.txt"
"UserDataLeafName"="Red Alert 3"
"Language"="English (US)"

[SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\Electronic Arts\\Red Alert 3\\1.0]
"DisplayName"="Red Alert 3"
"LanguageName"="English (US)"
"ProgramGroup"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Electronic Arts\\"

[SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\Electronic Arts\\Red Alert 3\\ergc]

[SOFTWARE\\Electronic Arts\\Red Alert 3]
"DisplayName"="Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3"

[Software\\Electronic Arts]

[Software\\Electronic Arts\\Red Alert 3]


And need settings for run with DX9


;"ScreenDepth" = "32"

"Desktop" = "N"

"Enable3D" = "1"

"ShowFPS" = "0"

"displaysettingsdialog" = "1"



"AnisotropicTextureFiltering" = "Y"

"VertexShaders" = "Y"

"PixelShaders" = "Y"

"PixelShadersLevel" = "2.0"

"ClipSpaceFix" = "Y"

"FragmentOffset" = "Auto"

"FixedProgram" = "Y"

"RectangleTextures" = "Auto"

"DynamicVBO" = "Y"

"IndexVBO" = "Y"

"FBO" = "Y"

"GLSL" = "M"

"VertexShadersLevel" = "2.0"

"FloatTextures" = "Y"

"OcclusionQueries" = "Y"

;"Provides full compliance with native vertex shaders 'mova' command (Yes/No)

"ForceMOVACompliance" = "Y"

"FBOBackBuffer" = "Y"


But not run gameplay.

menu works, but not gameplay: a black square cover the game space


this is the cider output:

Macintosh:MacOS Djuly$ ./cider
err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin dfe.dll: dlopen(/Volumes/Dati/Download/Cider.app/Contents/Frameworks/libdfe.dylib, 2): image not found
err:win:WIN_FindWndPtr window 10022 belongs to other process
err:win:WIN_FindWndPtr window 10022 belongs to other process
err:win:WIN_FindWndPtr window 10022 belongs to other process
err:win:WIN_FindWndPtr window 10024 belongs to other process
err:win:WIN_FindWndPtr window 10022 belongs to other process
err:win:WIN_FindWndPtr window 10024 belongs to other process
err:win:WIN_FindWndPtr window 10024 belongs to other process
err:SDL:SDL_DoQuit(): destroying mutex
Macintosh:MacOS Djuly$ 0xf005afb4:1: Thread 0020 unix tid=37071 teb=0x2d9f3000 state=1 process=0003
0xf005adf0:1: Thread 001f unix tid=37071 teb=0x2d9f3000 state=1 process=0003
0xf005a678:1: Event manual=1 signaled=1 name=""
0xf005ac2c:1: Thread 001e unix tid=37071 teb=0x2d9f3000 state=1 process=0003
0xf005aa68:1: Thread 001d unix tid=37071 teb=0x2d9f3000 state=1 process=0003
0xf0059ed4:1: Thread 0019 unix tid=37071 teb=0x2cfb3000 state=1 process=0003
0xf0059d10:1: Thread 0018 unix tid=37071 teb=0x2cfb3000 state=1 process=0003
0xf0059cdc:1: Event manual=1 signaled=1 name=""
0xf0059b18:1: Thread 0017 unix tid=37071 teb=0x2cfb3000 state=1 process=0003
0xf0059954:1: Thread 0016 unix tid=37071 teb=0x2cfb3000 state=1 process=0003
0xf0051c58:1: Event manual=1 signaled=0 name=""
0xf0051dc0:1: Token owned by 0xf0051cf4
0xf0051cf4:8: Process 0003 next=0xf0006aac prev=0x0 handles=0x0
0xf0001a88:1: Event manual=1 signaled=0 name=""
0xf0001704:1: Token owned by 0xf0006aac
0xf0006aac:1: Process 0001 next=0x0 prev=0xf0051cf4 handles=0x0

Hey guys,


I installed RA3 in crossover games with a bit of registry key modification: (http://wuhongsheng.com/it/2008/11/play-red-alert-3-on-mac-os-x-with-crossover-games/)

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/Direct3D/useGLSL = "enabled"

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/Direct3D/offscreenRenderingMode = "fbo"


and it only gave me the message "please install at least one language pack". Since I got this message I then copied over all the installed files in windows xp (bootcamp) from C:\Program Files\Red Alert 3 into the Red Alert 3 Folder in the crossover "virtual C: drive". This let me open red alert 3 and it look great and evreything the only problem is that there is no cursor. I belive this is because Wine wont support animated cursors. If anyone could figure this part out I think we have got it!







have U tried to play? its going to freeze during loading a level...

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