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@davilla, hehe, let me rephrase , " Whats been popular among users? Boxee or XMBC? "


I enjoyed my first day with both xmbc (not that much) and boxee ( many hours ). I have to say Boxee looks the winner but i wish it had skin function like XMBC has , Marcel Boxee's developer has said in his forum he will try to do that in next version .


Still , i wish XMBC worked full-screen on my tv (Bravia 720p res) . it works in windowed mode.

XBMC/Boxee -> depends on if you want a media center or a social media center. Both have good points depending on what you want to do.


I tend so spend most of my time under xbmc but then I'm also the xbmc dev that did the 10.4/AppleTV work ;)


xbmc -> settings -> resolution -> screen (change to the settings that says FullScreen) to change from windowed to fullscreen mode.


For XBMC help -> xbmc forums at http://xbmc.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=56

For Boxee help ->http://forum.boxee.tv/forumdisplay.php?f=13

Ya davilla, i just saw you on xbmc forums too ;) Good work man , i really appreciate . and yes i quickly figured out the change to full-screen too after i posted. just didnt bother updating here.


I even loaded the AEON skin and its one AMAZING stuff. i am blown away.


but now. i suddenly see XBMC is not playing avi's properly. it kinda is stuttering now , as if appletv cant handle it.


When i switched to Boxee (which is alpha) , it played the SAME files totally smooth and fast FPS. i wonder how can i solve this. :(

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