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I have the same problem. Downloaded/modified the 10.5.5 combo update with Zephyroth's amd updater, made sure everything patched right, and partly through the install i got the restart your computer message. So i did and it did updated, but now I can only boot with -x (safe boot). Any help would be appreciated.

I'm experiencing the same issue with a GA-EP45T-DS3R using EFI Partition method, 10.5.4 is fine but when I update with either Delta or Combo 10.5.5 I can only safe boot.. I looks like it gets stuck around mDNSResponder if I boot with -v


I don't know what the issue is.. but I had 10.5.5 running with the iDeneb 1.3 disk before I changed to using EFI partition method (by munky & turbo)

now that I'm not in the middle of something, I can post a more detailed response. I have an ECS GeForce 6100PM-M2 motherboard, 1GB Crucial 667MHz RAM, integrated graphics, a Western Digital 80GB Hard Drive, an HP DVD multidrive, and an AMD Athlon X2 3600+ overclocked to 2.42GHz. I have a sleep kernel install of Kalyway's 10.5.2 Distribution and I installed Spore. It told me I needed Mac OS X 10.5.3 or higher to play, so I used Zephyroth's AMD Software Updater and checked "Modify Only" to the 10.5.5 combo update. It said everything had been visited/patched, and I read on the homepage here that it'd be safe to install so I took my chance. Halfway through installing it said "you need to restart your computer, etc." so I did and it didn't boot. I tried booting from the install disk and verifying/fixing the permissions and the disk itself, but no good. I can boot it successfully in safe boot, but I don't know if that is limiting anything and it is highly inconvenient. If anyone could figure out a solution, I would be very grateful.



now that I'm not in the middle of something, I can post a more detailed response. I have an ECS GeForce 6100PM-M2 motherboard, 1GB Crucial 667MHz RAM, integrated graphics, a Western Digital 80GB Hard Drive, an HP DVD multidrive, and an AMD Athlon X2 3600+ overclocked to 2.42GHz. I have a sleep kernel install of Kalyway's 10.5.2 Distribution and I installed Spore. It told me I needed Mac OS X 10.5.3 or higher to play, so I used Zephyroth's AMD Software Updater and checked "Modify Only" to the 10.5.5 combo update. It said everything had been visited/patched, and I read on the homepage here that it'd be safe to install so I took my chance. Halfway through installing it said "you need to restart your computer, etc." so I did and it didn't boot. I tried booting from the install disk and verifying/fixing the permissions and the disk itself, but no good. I can boot it successfully in safe boot, but I don't know if that is limiting anything and it is highly inconvenient. If anyone could figure out a solution, I would be very grateful.




i am brasil, convert language Protuguese for english, here is solution!



Baixa o 10.5.5 Combo Update do site da Apple, não faça o update pelo Software Update. É um arquivo de 600 e tantos megas.


Depois que baixar


No Mac OS X, abra o terminal e digite:

sudo -s

*digite seu password


while sleep 1; do rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext; done


Agora DEIXE O TERMINAL ABERTO e rode o Combo Update 10.5.5. Vá dando NEXT até comecar a instalacao. Quando terminar a instalacao, NÃO CLIQUE EM RESTART. REPITO, NÃO REINICIE SEU PC AINDA!


Volte para o TERMINAL, aperte CTRL + C (isso vai parar o script que vc deixou rodando lá que fica apagando o arquivo AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext, pois era esse arquivo que tava causando problemas quando vc atualizava antes). Com o TERMINAL ainda aberto, digite:


nano /System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1


Vai aparecer uma tela de texto no terminal. Procure pela linha "Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext" (fica la no final, aperte, se não me engano, CTRL + V para ir baixando) e substitua por "dsmos.kext" (sem as aspas).

Feche o texto (CTRL + X, eu acho) e escolha para SALVAR (Y, eu acho denovo ehueheuheueh).


Bom, agora você pode reiniciar que ele deve funcionar beleza. Talvez no meio do boot apareca "Mach Reboot". Daí vc reinicia manualmente e no segundo boot deve funcionar.


Aqui no meu PC, depois que eu instalo o update, eu preciso instalar novamente os kexts de video (nvinject e os outros kexts), caso contrario ele nao boota depois que reinicia, fica numa tela preta e não sai de la.

Caso isso aconteca, boote em modo de seguranca (-x no BOOT OPTIONS) e instale os drivers de video.


Recomendo que você, antes de reiniciar o pc quando terminar todo o procedimento, reinstale os kexts apropriados pro seu pc (applesmbios, os kexts do SATA etc).


Se tiver com dificuldades, vai no http://forum.insanelymac.com/. É o forum mais completo sobre OSX86 que eu conheco.



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