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Installed 10.5.2 Kalyway - Satellite A105-S1014 - Very Slow, Help.

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Hi, ;)

My first Post.

Excuse the English, but learned alone.

I am here in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

I have attended the forum with reader ...

Ok, lets go:

First... Solution for still waiting a root device in a105-1014 (is not my problem, wait...)


I am migrating to Mac and Linux but am still weak.

OS installed 10.5.2 Kalyway - After 2 days...

My Notebook is a Toshiba Satellite A105-S1014.



During installation appeared the problem: "still waiting for root device". (Irritant Message!!!)

Solution in my case:

In bios configuration not exists "disable sata option". then, i turned off "touch pad option" in BIOS.

Boot CD.

disconect USB Mouse and Usb Keyboard.

press F8.

type: -F (upper case not -f lower case).

now proceed with the installation.

add the components:

patch Jas.

Dont select any video driver.

select all chipsets.


just that.


NOW MY PROBLEMS...I need help. :(

The Worst of all problems, The system is very slow to startup... and still slow after that.


I am waiting 15 minutes to system startup and simple tasks like opening a folder take 5 or 10 seconds. :thumbsdown_anim:

is that this is also problem with the SATA Driver?


is that this is also problem with the video?My video is a ATI X 200m very commented in this Forum.


Video Resolution 1280x800

The system was configured the video card with 256Mb, but my video card works with 128 MB.




Sound...regular, but work.

Wireless... Not detected.

LAN...Detected, not tested.

Notebook Keyboard... Not Work. I using USB Keyboard.

TouchPad (now enabled in bios)... Not Work. I using USB Mouse.


If the system is quick, I could implement and test the fixes I saw in the forum. But the main problem is the slowness.

Applied suggested some corrections in the forum and now the system does not start.

I will reinstall and then come back.


Any ideas on this slow?


grateful for the attention.

I am waiting. :thumbsup_anim:

well I would press F8 at startup to enter Darwin bootloader menu then type platform=X86PC that disables hyperthreading and some other Core2Dou features. That is what I had to do with my Acer Aspire 3680-2022 w/Celeron M

I am trying this solution posted by Scousi.. to Ati x200

But, nothing....


After diskutil repairPermissions /

diskutil never ends...

then kill the terminal after many minutes.

Reboot OS... But his never ends.

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