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It is entirely your call, it is "light" on ram, "light" on hardrive, and short of processor to run Leopard. Locally (Canada) such systems sell for $100-$160, depending on the other "stuff" in it (video, DVD burner, and USB2), here a Leopard capable G4 (with Leopard installed) seems to bring $300-$400. Right now 1.00 GBP=1.94620 CAD, 80 GBP=$155 CDN.

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Yeah, Don't Leopard that. I just barely squeezed by with a 1.07ghz, 768mb ram, 40gb HD.


The price sounds about right though, I bought my machine for 400 USD (about 223 GBP) and that system isn't too far off from what I've bought in the past.


I'd say go for it, install Tiger, and don't expect to use it for anything advanced.

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thanks for the answers


I got there and I bought it as soon as i saw the geforce 3 card in it, and the fact that the box itself is all shiny, at the moment i am trying to get my powerbook dvds to work but that is a no go so off to the TPB. I put an old 60 gig h/drive inthere, and i have some more ram hanging around. 10.3.9 is installed but i really am use to tiger since the past two years I find this OS to be superb. The idea of Leopard is not that appealing as speed and preacticality are esential. The only 2 bug bears at the moment is that I dont have a philips screwdriver long enough to remove replace the sony drive for a dvd writer, and the network card is s@!@ sloooow. (also the cpu fan is noisy, but i will disassemble that and clean it up.


Now I thought the Mac had wireless card installed because when I look inside the case there is a riser card close the PCMCIA slot...what is it?


Other than a few quirks it seems like a good system and sensible purchase.

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I thought ofdoingthe same thing and selling the insides as I would probably get more forthe bits inside rather than the whole thing. The Hackintosh thing is cool but with my experience I find that the PC no matter how fast and awesome it is from a windows perspective just does not make the grade, and normally itisthe minor things that matter.

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