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10.5.5 update issues // dell d630


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I had previsously managed to get a leo4allv3 installed running on my dell d630 using the install guide found in the forum.

Now I've updated to 10.5.5 with some problems I can't figure out how to resolve.


Main issue is the display. I have GMA X3100 graphics an I'm using the sleepdisplay script at start.

But now when the screen is supposed to wake it goes black (I mean the screen is off then the LCD lights but display is all black sometiles I can see the mouse, but no more).


I tried to reload the GMA X3100 kext files, but same result. I plugged an external screen, again same thing.


Anybody with an idea ?



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Thanks for the answer!


In fact, I did try that... I restored all of the AppleIntelG* files with no success.


but I might have messed up with the backup files ;)


Would you mind uploading "somewhere" yours ?


And you're right the issue seems to be the AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext, 'cause I had an error message once telling this file couldn't be installed and I booted right away, except for the screen resolution not supported...



Update : I copied the install kext files from the D630 guide into my Extension folders and repaired permissions (did not used the kexthelper this time) and it works :(

I've got my resolution 1440x900 CI support but not QE...

I'll try to solve this out, but at least I've got back a nice display

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