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Distribution Release: Greenie Linux 3.1H

Kane Adams

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Stano Hoferek has announced the release of Greenie Linux 3.1H, an Ubuntu-based distribution optimised for Slovak and Czech users, but also supporting English and Esperanto. The new version comes with a greatly modified list of Bash aliases, a Greenport service (online script gallery), a special menu with graphic effects and a new root menu. Greenie combines the standard system and applications from the Ubuntu repository (Linux kernel 2.6.24, GNOME 2.22.3, Firefox 3.0.1, OpenOffice.org 2.4.1) with some up-to-date GetDeb.net packages (Pidgin 2.5.1, Wine 1.1.4, Phun 4 beta). Also included is support for modems that are in common use in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. A custom Greenie Toolbar for Firefox with some interesting enhancements and links compliments the distribution. Further information on the new release is available from the project's home page and developer's blog (both links in Slovak). Download: greenie-3.1h.iso (699MB, MD5).


[via distrowatch.com]

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The comments show, unfortunately how much ignorance there is about Esperanto -_-


Wrong! I never say anything like that if I haven't collected a satisfactory amount of information:




By most estimates, there are approximately one thousand native speakers. However, no country has adopted the language officially.


One thousand native speakers doesn't look a lot to me by any stretch of the imagination.

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