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Alright, folks.


I have made a theme that will make Leopard look a bit more like Jaguar. It is in the early beta stage due to numerous issues that I have yet to work out.


Screenshot here: http://forum.insanelymac.com/index.php?act...st&id=34056


Install Instructions:


Navigate Finder to /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Resources/


Copy the SArtFile.bin and place it in a safe place.


Trash the SArtFile in the resources file (It will require an Admin password)


Drag the SArtFile.bin included in this post to the location.


Log-out and log-in. Open System Preferences and uncheck transparent menu-bar.




Known Problems:

1. There is a black line at the bottom of the menu bar of which I cannot get rid of. Any suggestions?

2. Editing the ArtFile.bin will take some time, so none of the Finder graphics will be changed until the final release.


Please make suggestions in this thread.


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