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If you have the same hardware as me, this is what i did :



i used leo4all V3 which is leopard 10.5.2, so Im not sure about the Jas release...



I used Vanilla kernel (the most up to date one in the install list) i think mine is 9.2.2 (dont quote me tho)


Network drivers : non work. you need an external usb network device


Sound : dont select any in the list, you need the ACL268 which isnt in the list. you can search for ALC268FIX.zip which will sort out your audio



Graphics : supported out of the box, however if you want Quartz extreme, you should get LeopardGraphicsUpdate1.0.dmg from the apple site.




I notice from that picture you posted, you have different Kernels to what I used. Further more, thats 10.5.4 Leopard. Mine is 10.5.2


I would select nothing in that install list, except for an intel kernel for you 5315, and see what you need to fix when its all installed.


So far i have seen Leo4all v3 working and kaliway, but i havnt tried your version of JAS. (my version of kaliway wouldnt install, but other people seem to have got that working)


good luck.



for other people working on this, here is my page with info on for my acer aspire :







good luck


also, info is in my sig :)





by the way, i wanted to say that i like the way you made your screenshot :)


funny to see 2 vertical scrollbars hahaha


also check here



i never got those errors, but maybe your kernel isnt working for you. which did you use?


another possibility is that you selected an option during instal that your compter doesnt support. I left most tickboxes unchecked on my instal, just so i could see what didnt work after a default settings installation. i only picked the vanilla kernel (i think 9.2.2 i cant rememeber)


are you following any online guides at all?

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