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Dual boot: Is it better to format my FILES partition as fat32, or use a mac program to access them as NTFS?

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My setup is:

Vista on partition 1

osx on partition 2

Files on partition 3


I would like to share the files on partition 2 b'c final cut studio is like 60 gigs and all my raw video is at least another 100 so far. I need to be able to also install very large programs to that partition, some for mac and some for windows.


Am I correct in assuming that if I format partition 3 as fat32 that both OSX and VISTA will be able to access the files and install and run programs from there? Am I loosing any benefits that would come with formating NTFS?


Is there any better solution such as using paragon or some other program to access the NTFS drive in osx? Will any of those solutions be able to setup the drive for read and write access in such a way that it's seamlessly integrated into the os?


Any support or alternate ideas would be much appreciated! :)

I'd recommend that you use FAT32 because both OS X and vista will give you read/write support without any patching. It's also recognized by linux and does not need any patching. NTFS will require NTFS-3G on linux and OS X. I don't like NTFS-3G.


To be honest with you FAT32 has a problem though. The maximum file size is only 4GB (for a single file). Overall, FAT32 is recommended for those dual booting.

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