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Hi everybody,

I have search a compatibility list of games tested on Hackintosh in native mode (OS-X games) or those runing under Virtual MAchines (I have VMware Fusion Beta 2).



Quake 4: GREAT, all it's Ok!

Age of Mythology: bug concerning free disk spase, needs 22,6Mo supplementary (free space is about 200Go.. :) ).. there is a post on the Forum concerning that.

Civilization 4: can start the install but I have lost my serial number.. :) .. So I don't know if it's runs fine..

Ghost Recon: strange bug. double click on install Icon, then does not start...


with VMware Fusion Beta 2 (so.. XP games):

FarCry: install good, but very very slow with 512Mo RAM. I increased it to 1Go then 1,5Go. it is better but no playable. I have no tried to enable the "2 virtual processors" option. Does it increases really the quality? I will try tonight...

Age of Mythology: install does not start "the graphic driver XXX is not compatible". apparently the game see that the driver is created by the Virtual Machine, then it won't use it..

Soldier of Fortune II: I have not still tried it... Tonight..


Is my config strong enought (I don't thinck so), so does increase my graphic card will really increase the gaming (FarCry for example).. and what card should I take?


My config:

P5W-DH Deluxe

E2180 2GHz

ATI RX1950Pro 256Mo

2GHz 667MHz


250Go SATA2, 2partitions

-Kaly 10.5.3 (Netkas method)

-Kaly 10.5.3


250Go, SATA2, 1partition



160Go SATA2


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