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Nforce 3 Motherboard and Ethernet

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I have an ECS Nforce3 Motherboard. I know the onboard LAN will not work, but I have tried a realtek card, a D-Link card and now a 3Com card all on the HCL. The bootup with -V always stops saying the IOPCIFamily and IONetworking have a problem. I am using 10.4.5 because 10.4.4 would never detect. Before in the 10.4.4 it would not detect but never gave an error on bootup. I wanted to know if anyone has gotten a PCI Ethernet card to work on an Nforce3 Motherboard. I am pretty much giving up besides ordering a USB card and trying that.





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I will try that today. I think I tried all the slots though. Also downloading 10.4.3 incase it does not work. Also did you have the same problem of it stopping like that? Or did it just not detect? If it stopped at those two kext then I will feel more confident that I can get it working. I will feel kind of stupid that just moving it from PCI slots would make it work.

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I finally got this working under 10.4.3. Since I downloaded it the other day and I wanted to try that first. It worked with no problem. But I did move the card to the last PCI slot on the board and maybe that was the kicker and not 10.4.3. So tonight ill go ahead and install 10.4.5 on another drive and see if it works under there. If not ill just stick with the 10.4.3.



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