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hi everyone..i changed the vendor id on the plist.info in the kexts extension folder..i put the vendor-of my ati 9200..but actually i'm not able to boot..what should i do???

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ehm..i'll try.....commands would be very appreciate lol ...

boot with "-s" switch


"/sbin/fsck -fy"


"/sbin/mount -uw /"


"cd /System/Library/Extensions"


"nano -replace with the name of kext you edited-/Contents/info.plist"

remove the information you placed (dev id, ven id)


control+x - answer yes - enter


"cd /System/Library"


'rm Extensions.mkext Extensions.kextcache"


"chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/-replace with the kext you edited-"


"kextcache -k /Sytem/Library/Extensions"


'diskutil repairPermissions /"



thank u!! i'm gonna try right now!!!

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