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i guess this must be a dumb question since im not seeing anyone asking it but..

i donated $5 to kalyway thru paypal and again with $1 but now im not sure what is happening.

i got the receipts for both by e-mail, now do they mail the dvd to my home address on paypal?

or am i supposed to download it somewhere? did i miss a link?


ANY help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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haha uh.. well here's where i donated:



i might just be seeing things but i could have sworn i was on a page that said you can either download the torrent and do it that way or you could donate for the dvd.

ill try to find it again and post it here but odds are im just going to realize im an idiot :(




...and the email was kalyway@gmail.com


if not, i guess im glad to donate!

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