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I am getting a weird sound comming from the audio out on my hackintosh. It sounds like a mix between a purr and static. It happens when I move my mouse, use magnification on the dock, minmize/maximize a window, bring up dashboard, scroll on a website, and basically anything that is changing pixels on the screen. I have had this problem since the begining with 10.4.1 and now on 10.4.5 it is still there. The a hiss can be heard at all times even in bios when the audio is cranked. It is not my speakers because when I use another computer with the speakers there is no problem. It is also not a problem with power next to the VGA cable because I have tried separating the 2 and it does not help. I have a AsRock 775Dual-915, with a P4 640 3.2Ghz, and 1GB ram (don't think the last 2 parts have anything to do with it but whatever). I am thinking there is something screwed up with the motherboard because the sound is audible even in BIOS. Would love to have this resolved or at least see if I am the only one suffering from this.




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