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First install of OS X x86 and need some help...


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Hi Guys.


So last night I took the plunge and installed OS X for the first time. Hardware specs as follows:


AMD Athlon64 3500+


ECS KN1-SLI-Lite Motherboard

160GB S-ATA II Hard Drive

512MB ATI Radeon X1300 (PCI-E)

Microsoft Wireless KB/Mouse (using the PS/2 Ports, no USB involved)


So I installed via VMWare, edited the AppleVIAATA.kext Info.plist to include the hardware ID of my SATA controllers, and then booted via GRUB.


So this leads to a few questions that I have:


1) The only way I can get OS X to boot is if I use the -f flag. Otherwise, it sits there and gives the infamous "Waiting for root device" message. So first off, what does that flag actually do? I'd like to find out why I need it in order to boot....


2) Once OS X has loaded (which it does quite happily), I have no keyboard and mouse at all. I'm using MS Wireless stuff, and the wireless hub is plugged in to the PS/2 keyboard and mouse sockets. But the keyboard doesn't respond once the GUI has loaded, neither does the mouse...


Any help greatly appreciated!

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For the love of God I can't remember what the -f is for. But at boot type ? to see all the options with accompanying descriptions then you can discover what -f does.


I know -v is for diagnostic messages, -x for safemode, and -s for single user, but -f escapes me.


Concerning your input device failure maybe OS X isn't too happy witht he wireless stuff, try plugging in some wired devices in PS/2 port and see if it works then.

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Unfortunately, when I do a ? it doesn't display the list properly, so I can't actually find out what -f does! Could anybody try it on theirs and let me know what it says?


I got the k/b and mouse working though! Turned off USB KB/Mouse support in the BIOS and it worked perfectly.

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