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A few hours ago I ran software update to install the newest version of quicktime (garageband stopped working and said I had to do this to keep using it) which required a reboot. After rebooting I can no longer get the desktop to load. The login window loads and I am able to enter my username and password, but from there I am left with a blue screen + mouse cursor. The only thing I am able to do from here is invert the screen (control+option+command+8) which is not terribly useful. Is there some magical solution to this or am I screwed? :[

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Can you boot with -X?


Also, try booting with -f, type "Mount -uw /" when at the prompt, then "/movevideodrivers" and follow the wizard



Doing -X worked. What does this flag do? Is this the "oh god why didn't i properly back my system up before i ran an update" flag? Also, any idea what went wrong?

That sounds like an excellent idea, but I unfortunately do not really know how to find out what all happened when I installed it. Is there a guide/thread I should read about this? Extensions listing in system profiler says the last time anything was changed was over a month ago before any of this happened. Frameworks has a bunch of stuff that was changed today, but I don't want to start deleting things unless I know for sure they should be deleted.


As far as reinstalling video drivers, I used nvkush over natit (which probably wasnt the best idea but it fixed my problems with QE/CI not working), which I supposed I could reinstall, unless you had something more specific in mind?

I'll try explain what I mean another way, go to your extensions folder (System/library/extensions), click the second view mode (So it shows the details in columns), and click 'Date Modified' to sort by that date. Drag any that have been modified today (That are obviously graphics KEXTS) to the trash can, putting in your password when prompted.

And as for reinstalling, I'd advise re-installing NvKush again, as that worked for you before -_-


Hope this clears things up

I reinstalled nvkush and everything seems to be running okay now, aside from the fact that I still have to use the "update" kernel at darwin boot loader each time or I get an infinite reboot - you wouldn't happen to know about that would you? ;]




Thanks for the assistance.

Everything is working now except that system profiler now says "i can has model?" for my video card. Great, I love 4chan and lolcats as next as the next guy, but where can I change this to my actual card (GF 7300 GT) like how it used to be? I'd start a new thread but I think it would be best if I kept all my {censored} together

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